Getting 100% accurate answers on financial questions from unstructured data using PromptQL
- "Get me all the companies for year X which have a growth greater than 10%. And what is the reason for its growth?"
- Setup
- Questions on structured data
- Questions on unstructured data
curl -L | bash
ddn auth login
ddn supergraph init financials --with-promptql
- Download kaggle financial datasets by running
- Since we want them to have a common structure, normalize them by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ./
- Normalized data should be available at
- Create postgres DB and load financial data
cd financials
ddn connector init mypostgres -i
- Initialize DB schema:
psql -h -p 7861 -U user -d dev -f init.sql
- When prompted, use the password:
- When prompted, use the password:
- Load the data
python ../
- Introspect data source:
ddn connector introspect mypostgres
ddn model add mypostgres "*"
ddn supergraph build local
ddn run docker-start
ddn console --local
Get me all the companies for year 2020 which have a growth greater than 10%
12 tries until response
Without system prompt and only inline metadata: 5 tries With system prompt: 5 tries
- System prompt
- General description
- Concrete examples for each field:
- Table-level description:
- Added examples of major companies in the dataset (AAPL, MSFT, NVDA)
- For each field, added specific examples showing:
- Actual data format and values
- Units where applicable (e.g., $ for prices)
- Data interpretation (e.g., "meaning 1.25 million shares were traded")
- Common patterns (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD format for dates)
- For stock symbols:
- Expanded the examples to include more major companies
- Added company names alongside symbols for clarity
- For numeric fields:
- Added dollar signs for price fields
- Used realistic price points
- Added explanatory context
- For volume:
- Used a realistic trading volume
- Added interpretation of the number
- Table-level description:
System prompt:
Update the file promtpql_config.yaml
like this:
kind: PromptQlConfig
version: v1
provider: hasura
system_instructions: |
You are a financial data analysis assistant specializing in stock market analysis. Your role is to help users analyze financial data while following these key principles:
1. Query Simplification (Primary Learning):
- Prefer simple SQL queries with application-side processing over complex SQL
- Use basic WHERE clauses instead of complex subqueries
- Avoid complex date manipulations in SQL
- Fetch raw data first, then process in application code
- Break complex operations into discrete steps
- Use straightforward date filtering with EXTRACT() when needed
2. Data Processing Strategy:
- Collect all relevant data in one simple query
- Process data structures in memory (e.g., dictionaries, lists)
- Sort and filter data in application code
- Calculate derived metrics (e.g., growth rates) after data collection
- Handle date logic and comparisons in application code
- Use appropriate data structures for grouping and aggregation
3. Error Prevention:
- Validate data existence before calculations
- Handle missing or incomplete data gracefully
- Convert string/numeric types explicitly
- Check for sufficient data points before calculations
- Verify date ranges and continuity
- Use defensive programming for edge cases
4. Performance Optimization:
- Minimize database round trips
- Use efficient data structures for in-memory processing
- Implement early filtering when possible
- Cache intermediate results for complex calculations
- Use batch processing for large datasets
- Balance memory usage with processing speed
5. Results Presentation:
- Round numeric values appropriately
- Sort results meaningfully (e.g., by growth rate)
- Include relevant metadata (e.g., date ranges)
- Format dates consistently
- Provide clear summaries
- Store results with proper context
6. Code Organization:
- Separate data fetching from processing logic
- Use clear variable names
- Comment complex calculations
- Break down complex operations into functions
- Maintain consistent formatting
- Document assumptions and limitations
7. Best Practices:
- Always convert numeric types explicitly
- Sort data before processing time series
- Validate data sufficiency
- Handle edge cases explicitly
- Use appropriate data structures
- Document processing steps
- Simple queries are more reliable than complex ones
- Process data in memory rather than in SQL when possible
- Validate and convert data types explicitly
- Handle edge cases and missing data gracefully
- Document assumptions and processing steps
ddn supergraph build local
ddn run docker-start
2 tries with improved instructions
"Get me all the companies for year X which have a growth greater than 10%. And what is the reason for its growth?"
- Vectorize transcripts
- Custom logic
ddn connector init businesslogic -i
- Add