Disclaimer: This software is only at proof-of-concept stage, don't pretend this software to be ready for production usage. It works on the designed path, but it needs a lot more development. You have been warned !
DocsChain Asp.Net Core 7 is a private blockchain to store and certify documents, designed to be very easy to use and deploy. You can create small peer-to-peer networks of documents contributors. It doesn't have a mining algorithm and so it cannot be used in a public network. However it implements the basic features of a working blockchain. The node & chain is stored as a serialised .dc file in the Config & DataFiles Directory along with another file, with network peers. The chain doesn't include uploaded documents. Documents are stored into the FileStorage Directory using the block Guid. It can work with required extensions (doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,png,jpg,jpeg,gif,csv)
Code is based on Asp .Net 7 + c# + WebApp & WebApi Controllers\WebAppController.cs is for the GUI Action methods in DocChainWeb used for only clint as access the private block chanin. Controllers\ChainController.cs is used by WebApis controller in DocsChain is used for managed private blockchain network and brodcust all other block.
https://github.com/frontegi/DocsChain.git which is very helpfull to customize and upgradation this project.
Only the GUI has dependency with Bootstrap, Jquery, and for PDF viewing, the great plugin iziModal by Marcelo Dolce .
I read an article on Medium.com by Lauri Hartikka, explaining how to build a basic blockchain in Javascript without all the hassles of blockchain players. I thought it was the time to create my own implementation. Thanks Lauri for the great article ! Here are some Highlights from his article:
The basic concept of blockchain is quite simple: a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records.
This project contain two project by a solution When you first run a DocsChain.sln with multiple project, it will check locally for Config & DataFiles folder and FileStorage folder. If missing, they will be created, along with an empty chain. GUI has no authentication, you can interact immediately with the node (ARGH :-) ). The GUI is absolutely basic, built with Bootstrap 4.
Documents Upload Here you can preview (only PDF) and download documents in the blockchain. You'll see immediately only the Genesis Block, built during node bootstrap. Moreover, you can upload a pdf documents and add it to the chain. If you have built and connected more nodes, the documents will be broadcasted to the other peers. Imagine to have 3 offices in your Intranet, and you want the to "certify" a document (data and upload timing). Every node can contribute to the Chain, adding any new documents when required. DocsChain limit is now that, without login, I cannot write to the chain who uploaded a document. Here you can find when the DocsChain has been created the first time (Genesis Date) You can see the list of Peers connected.
System Status This function shows all node status, as a result you can easily know which node is active and which IP and port is active for brodcust by sync.
Chain Management In this page use for config for node and function Bootstrap Node and for new document upload go Add New Documents also there have reset the full network Reset DocsChain Nodes .
Download the project and just Run it with Visual Studio 2022. If everything works fine, you'll have a consolle opening with logs and the browser will open on the Chain Node Url . If browser is not opening , go to the url http://[YourNodeIP]:[YourNodePort] If you want customize Node Name, Listening IP or Port, edit appsettings.json file:
"NodeIdentification": {
"Name": "Node 10",
"ListeningPort": "5979",
"IPEndpoint": "http://localhost:5979"
Keep ListeningPort and the IPEndpoint port the same (this is a POC, it'll be optimized later...) It is mandatory to use the real IP of Network Interface (ipconfig /all on command line) if you want to make the POC work in your intranet on different machines. You cannot use localhost or here. You can do it (not tested) only if you're going to run multiple DocsChain nodes on the same machine .
If you are a brave and you want to showcase DocsChain with multiple nodes (on the same machine, never tried on different machines), I suggest the following approach (remember to replace the IP below with your own IP and desired port):
Right Click on Project Root Node and Publish to a Folder. (es:c:\DocsChainBase)
Clone the Folder as c:\DocsChain5010
Clone the Folder as c:\DocsChain5020
Open c:\DocsChain5010\appsettings.json and set
"NodeIdentification": { "Name": "Node 5010", "ListeningPort": "5010", "IPEndpoint": "http://localhost:5010" }
Open c:\DocsChain5020\appsettings.json and set
"NodeIdentification": { "Name": "Node 5020", "ListeningPort": "5020", "IPEndpoint": "http://localhost:5020" }
- Open a Command Line 1 and cd \DocsChain5010\
- launch the first node with: `dotnet DocsChain.dll`
- Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5010/ (Rememeber this is my example IP, use yours !!)
- Go to \DocsChain5020\
- run `dotnet DocsChain.dll`.The second node will boot
- Browse to http://localhost:5020/
- we have requred other run web application DocChainWeb using diffrent port. for each project then we can use run properly .
- Browse to http://localhost:5050/
- Browse to http://localhost:5060/
How to restart from the beginning when you are going crazy:
- stop a node
- delete Config & DataFiles Folder and FileStorage Folder
- restart the node
- User Authentication and user management & Full Client Site Development.
- Packaging the app as a Windows Service
- File watcher to keep an eye on documents stored on local filesystem.
- Auto-Recover documents from other nodes if found a file corrupted (different Hash)
- General recovery of BlockChain if something is going wrong
- Supporting more native files viewer in the GUI
- Search along documents feature
- Chain File Security
"Hidden" Command line switches...
dotnet DocsChain.dll --boot http://localhost:5010
(To boot a node without using the GUI)dotnet DocsChain.dll --create-test-chain true
(boot and add immediately sample documents to the chain)dotnet DocsChain.dll --boot http://localhost:5020
(To boot a node without using the GUI)dotnet DocsChain.dll --create-test-chain true
(boot and add immediately sample documents to the chain)dotnet DocChainWeb.dll --boot http://localhost:5050
(To boot a node without using the GUI)dotnet DocChainWeb.dll --create-test-chain true
(boot and add immediately sample documents to the chain)dotnet DocChainWeb.dll --boot http://localhost:5060
(To boot a node without using the GUI)dotnet DocChainWeb.dll --create-test-chain true
(boot and add immediately sample documents to the chain)
anyone can be contribute in this project and also https://github.com/frontegi/DocsChain.git