Harvard FAS Informatics materials for the Practical Python on Odyssey
Workshop participants must have basic Unix proficiency, some operational knowledge of Python, and an Odyssey account.
Python basics will be covered, but not in depth.
A checkout of the production branch will provide a hisnhers.py script that works.
To try out the functional script follow these steps:
Checkout the production branch of the project
$ git clone https://github.com/harvardinformatics/python-workshop.git $ cd python-workshop $ git checkout production
Setup PYTHONPATH (assuming you're in the pythong-workshop directory)
Install the lookkool annotation package; make sure gcc is 4.9 or better
$ module load gcc/4.9.3-fasrc01 $ pip install git+https://github.com/harvardinformatics/lookkool.git
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find the liblookkool.so. It should be in site-packages.
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/site-packages:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Run hisnhers.py against the example file in the data subir
$ cd data $ ../bin/hisnhers.py example.fq Length 0: 40 Base counts- A: 8 T: 9 C: 10 G: 13 Length 1: 40 Base counts- A: 11 T: 5 C: 16 G: 8 Length 2: 40 Base counts- A: 8 T: 6 C: 9 G: 17 Length 3: 40 Base counts- A: 9 T: 8 C: 12 G: 11 Length 4: 40 Base counts- A: 11 T: 9 C: 10 G: 10 Length 5: 40 Base counts- A: 9 T: 6 C: 15 G: 10 Length 6: 40 Base counts- A: 9 T: 2 C: 12 G: 17 Writing to example.fa Elapsed assembly time 5 seconds Elapsed annotation time 7 seconds Elapsed annotation time 14 seconds
Checkout the results in example.fa.annotations
$ head -20 example.fa.annotations { "contig2": [ { "start": 2, "seqid": "contig2", "end": 5, "key": "palindrome" }, { "start": 3, "seqid": "contig2", "end": 5, "key": "start_codon" }, { "start": 31, "seqid": "contig2", "end": 34, "key": "palindrome" },