JqGridForMvc is most simple and popular JqGrid plugin that can be used to quickly create a commercial request form. We are also pursuing: "write less, do more", if you have any questions or help with it you can send email to me or contact me
Install-Package HalowerHub.Jqgrid
Here is a simple example, but JqgridForMvc has supported the most common Jqgrid operation, there is time to do supplementary examples
@model UserDto
var g = Html.JqGridKit();
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 10px">
g.JqGrid("userlistGrid", g.Param(p => p.Id)).MainGrid(
g.GridColumn(x => x.Id, 300),
g.GridColumn(x => x.UserName, 300).Searchable(),
g.GridColumn(x => x.PhoneNumber, 300).Searchable(),
g.GridColumn("options",150, "custom html fragment")
.Caption("user grid").Height("150")
.Url(Url.Action("UserListData", "Account")).Multiselect()
.BuiltInOperation(GridOperators.Refresh | GridOperators.Search | GridOperators.Add)
#back-end -code(Only a word)
public ContentResult UserListData()
return Content(dataSource.Pagination(this));