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Nakama Swift

Nakama is an open-source server designed to power modern games and apps. Features include user accounts, chat, social, matchmaker, realtime multiplayer, and much more.

This client is written in swift and supports Nakama v3 API and socket features. Most apple platforms are supported including: iOS, macOS, iPadOS, tvOS and visionOS.

The client is implemented using swift concurrency with async/await for asynchronously calling client and socket methods.

Minimum supported swift version is 5.6

Getting Started

You need to use Swift Package Manager (SPM) for integrating the sdk into your project. Add nakama-swift as a dependency to your Package.swift or using Xcode project Package Dependencies settings.


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

After the package is installed, build the client object using connection credentials:

let client = GrpcClient(
    serverKey: "defaultkey",
    host: "",
    ssl: false


The client object has many methods to execute various features in the server or open realtime socket connections with the server.


There's a variety of ways to authenticate with the server. Authentication can create a user if they don't already exist with those credentials. It's also easy to authenticate with a social profile from Google Play Games, Facebook, Apple, Game Center, etc.

do {
    let email = "[email protected]";
    let password = "p4ssword";
    var session = try await client.authenticateEmail(email: email, password: password)
} catch {

async request needs to be included inside a do-catch statement to handle throwing errors, it will be ommitted in next examples for simplicity.


When authenticated the server responds with an auth token (JWT) which contains useful properties and gets deserialized into a Session object.

print(session.token) // Raw JWT token
print(session.userId) // User ID
print(session.username) // Username
print(session.isExpired) // Boolean status
print(session.expiryTime) // As Date object

It is recommended to store the auth token from the session and check at App startup if it has expired. If the token has expired you must re-authenticate. The expiry time of the token can be changed as in server settings configuration.

if session.hasExpired(offset: Date().addingTimeInterval(5 * 60)) { // Session about to expire in 5 minutes
    do {
        session = try await client.refreshSession(session: session)
    } catch {
        print("Session can no longer be refreshed. Must reauthenticate!");

⚠️ NOTE: The length of the lifetime of a session can be set on the server with the "--session.token_expiry_sec" command flag argument. The lifetime of the refresh token for a session can be set on the server with the "--session.refresh_token_expiry_sec" command flag.


The client includes a lot of builtin APIs for various features of the game server. These can be accessed with the async methods. It can also call custom logic in RPC functions on the server. RPCs can also be executed with a socket object.

All requests are sent with a session object which authorizes the client.

var account = try await client.getAccount(session: session)

Requests can be supplied with a retry configurations in cases of transient network or server errors.

A single configuration can be used as a global configuration in the client to control all request-retry behavior:

var retryConfiguration = RetryConfiguration(baseDelayMs: 1000, maxRetries: 5,retryListener: { retries, retry in
    print("about to retry...")

client.GlobalRetryConfiguration = retryConfiguration;
var account = await client.GetAccountAsync(session);

Or, the configuration can be supplied on a per-request basis:

var retryConfiguration = RetryConfiguration(baseDelayMs: 1000, maxRetries: 5,retryListener: { retries, retry in
    print("about to retry...")
client.globalRetryConfiguration = retryConfiguration;
var account = try await client.getAccount(session: session)

Per-request retry configurations override the global retry configuration.


The client can create one or more sockets to interact with the server. Socket can be created from the client using no parameters or providing ones:

var socket = client.createSocket(host: "", port: 7350, ssl: false) as! Socket

Notice we did a cast in createSocket() because it returns a SocketProtocol type, but we want a Socket type in order to access the Socket implementation methods not the protocol ones.

Each socket can have it's own event listeners registered for responses received from the server.

socket.onConnect = {
    print("Socket connected.")
socket.onDisconnect = {
    print("Socket disconnected.")
socket.onError = { error in
try await socket.connect(session: session)

After we finish from the socket we need to disconnect it



Satori is a liveops server for games that powers actionable analytics, A/B testing and remote configuration. Use the Satori Swift Client to communicate with Satori from within your Swift game.

Full documentation is online -

Getting Started

Create a client object that accepts the API key you were given as a Satori customer.

import Satori

let scheme = "http"
let host = ""
let port: Int = 7450
let apiKey = "apiKey"

let client = HttpClient(scheme: scheme, host: host, port: port, apiKey: apiKey)

Then authenticate with the server to obtain your session:

do {
    session = try await client.authenticate(id: "your-id")
    debugPrint("Authenticated successfully.")
} catch {
    debugPrint("Error authenticating: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Using the client you can get any experiments or feature flags the user belongs to:

let experiments = try await client.getExperiments(session: session, names: ["experiment1", "Experiment2"])
let flag = try await client.getFlag(session: session, name: "FlagName")

You can also send arbitrary event(s) to the server:

let event = Event(name: "gameLaunched", timestamp: Date())
try await client.event(session: session, event: event)


This project is licensed under the Apache-2 License.


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  • Swift 98.3%
  • Go 1.5%
  • Other 0.2%