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Monoid and Foldable.
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Gabi Volpe committed Aug 19, 2016
1 parent 59feb97 commit d25e254
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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions category-theory/foldable.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import qualified Foldable as F

-- for List is the same as foldr from Prelude
a1 = foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3]
a2 = F.foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3]

-- example on Maybe
b1 = F.foldl (+) 2 (Just 9)
b2 = F.foldr (||) False (Just True)

-- bynary tree examples
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- foldMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m

-- instance for Tree
instance F.Foldable Tree where
foldMap f Empty = mempty
foldMap f (Node x l r) = F.foldMap f l `mappend`
f x `mappend`
F.foldMap f r

-- example on Tree
testTree = Node 5
(Node 3
(Node 1 Empty Empty)
(Node 6 Empty Empty)
(Node 9
(Node 8 Empty Empty)
(Node 10 Empty Empty)

c1 = F.foldl (+) 0 testTree
c2 = F.foldl (*) 1 testTree

d1 = getAny $ F.foldMap (\x -> Any $ x == 3) testTree
d2 = getAny $ F.foldMap (\x -> Any $ x > 15) testTree

e1 = F.foldMap (\x -> [x]) testTree
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions category-theory/monoid.hs
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-- typeclass defined in Data.Monoid
class Monoid m where
mempty :: m
mappend :: m -> m -> m
mconcat :: [m] -> m
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

-- Monoid laws
-- Identity1: mempty `mappend` x = x
-- Identity2: x `mappend` mempty = x
-- Associativity: (x `mappend` y) `mappend` z = x `mappend` (y `mappend` z)

-- instance for List
instance Monoid [a] where
mempty = []
mappend = (++)

-- examples on List
a1 = [1,2,3] `mappend` [4,5,6]
a2 = ("one" `mappend` "two") `mappend` "tree"
a3 = "one" `mappend` ("two" `mappend` "tree")
a4 = "one" `mappend` "two" `mappend` "tree"
a5 = "pang" `mappend` mempty
a6 = mconcat [[1,2],[3,6],[9]]
a7 = mempty :: [a]

-- Data.Monois defines types for Product and Sum
newtype Product a = Product { getProduct :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

newtype Sum a = Sum { getSum :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

-- monoid instance for product
instance Num a => Monoid (Product a) where
mempty = Product 1
Product x `mappend` Product y = Product (x * y)

-- monoid instance for sum
instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
mempty = Sum 0
Sum x `mappend` Sum y = Sum (x + y)

-- examples on product
b1 = getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` Product 9
b2 = getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` mempty
b3 = getProduct $ Product 3 `mappend` Product 4 `mappend` Product 2
b4 = getProduct . mconcat . map Product $ [3,4,2]

-- examples on sum
c1 = getSum $ Sum 2 `mappend` Sum 9
c2 = getSum $ mempty `mappend` Sum 3
c3 = getSum . mconcat . map Sum $ [1,2,3]

-- terrible name for defining logical OR operation
newtype Any = Any { getAny :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

instance Monoid Any where
mempty = Any False
Any x `mappend` Any y = Any (x || y)

-- examples on any
d1 = getAny $ Any True `mappend` Any False
d2 = getAny $ mempty `mappend` Any True
d3 = getAny . mconcat . map Any $ [False, False, False, True]
d4 = getAny $ mempty `mappend` mempty

-- yet another nice name to define logical AND operation
newtype All = All { getAll :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)

instance Monoid All where
mempty = All True
All x `mappend` All y = All (x && y)

-- examples on all
e1 = getAll $ mempty `mappend` All True
e2 = getAll $ mempty `mappend` All False
e3 = getAll . mconcat . map All $ [True, True, True]
e4 = getAll . mconcat . map All $ [True, True, False]

-- instance for Ordering
instance Monoid Ordering where
mempty = EQ
LT `mappend` _ = LT
EQ `mappend` y = y
GT `mappend` _ = GT

-- examples on ordering
f1 = LT `mappend` GT
f2 = GT `mappend` LT
f3 = mempty `mappend` LT
f4 = mempty `mappend` GT

-- compare length of two words
lengthCompare :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompare x y = let a = length x `compare` length y
b = x `compare` y
in if a == EQ then b else a

l1 = lengthCompare "gabi" "volpe"
l2 = lengthCompare "gabriel" "volpe"
l3 = lengthCompare "code" "code"

-- compare length of two words using the Monoid instance
lengthCompareM :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompareM x y = (length x `compare` length y) `mappend`
(x `compare` y)

lm1 = lengthCompareM "gabi" "volpe"
lm2 = lengthCompareM "gabriel" "volpe"
lm3 = lengthCompareM "code" "code"

-- comparing vowels too
lengthCompareV :: String -> String -> Ordering
lengthCompareV x y = (length x `compare` length y) `mappend`
(vowels x `compare` vowels y) `mappend`
(x `compare` y)
where vowels = length . filter (`elem` "aeiou")

lv1 = lengthCompareV "gabi" "volpe"
lv2 = lengthCompareV "gabriel" "volpe"
lv3 = lengthCompareV "code" "code"

-- monoid instance for Maybe
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
mempty = Nothing
Nothing `mappend` m = m
m `mappend` Nothing = m
Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2)

-- examples on Maybe
x1 = Nothing `mappend` Just "andy"
x2 = Just LT `mappend` Nothing
x3 = Just (Sum 3) `mappend` Just (Sum 4)

-- keeping the first value on Maybe. There's a similar type called Last that keepts the second value defined in Data.Monoid
newtype First a = First { getFirst :: Maybe a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance Monoid (First a) where
mempty = First Nothing
First (Just x) `mappend` _ = First (Just x)
First Nothing `mappend` x = x

-- examples on first
y1 = getFirst $ First (Just 'a') `mappend` First (Just 'b')
y2 = getFirst $ First Nothing `mappend` First (Just 'b')
y3 = getFirst $ First (Just 'a') `mappend` First Nothing
y4 = getFirst . mconcat . map First $ [Nothing, Just 9, Just 10]

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