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Functional solving problems.
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Gabi Volpe committed Aug 17, 2016
1 parent ac4b58b commit 94e37d4
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Showing 3 changed files with 73 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions paths.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions problems/road.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import Data.List

data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int } deriving (Show)
type RoadSystem = [Section]

heathrowToLondon :: RoadSystem
heathrowToLondon = [Section 50 10 30, Section 5 90 20, Section 40 2 25, Section 10 8 0]

data Label = A | B | C deriving (Show)
type Path = [(Label, Int)]

roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path)
roadStep (pathA, pathB) (Section a b c) =
let priceA = sum $ map snd pathA
priceB = sum $ map snd pathB
forwardPriceToA = priceA + a
crossPriceToA = priceB + b + c
forwardPriceToB = priceB + b
crossPriceToB = priceA + a + c
newPathToA = if forwardPriceToA <= crossPriceToA
then (A,a):pathA
else (C,c):(B,b):pathB
newPathToB = if forwardPriceToB <= crossPriceToB
then (B,b):pathB
else (C,c):(A,a):pathA
in (newPathToA, newPathToB)

optimalPath :: RoadSystem -> Path
optimalPath roadSystem =
let (bestAPath, bestBPath) = foldl roadStep ([],[]) roadSystem
in if sum (map snd bestAPath) <= sum (map snd bestBPath)
then reverse bestAPath
else reverse bestBPath

groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf 0 _ = undefined
groupsOf _ [] = []
groupsOf n xs = take n xs : groupsOf n (drop n xs)

main = do
contents <- getContents
let threes = groupsOf 3 (map read $ lines contents)
roadSystem = map (\[a,b,c] -> Section a b c) threes
path = optimalPath roadSystem
pathString = concat $ map (show . fst) path
pathPrice = sum $ map snd path
putStrLn $ "The best path to take is: " ++ pathString
putStrLn $ "The price is: " ++ show pathPrice
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions problems/rpn.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import Data.List

unsafeSolveRPN :: String -> Float
unsafeSolveRPN = head . foldl foldingFunction [] . words
where foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "*" = (x * y):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "+" = (x + y):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "-" = (y - x):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "/" = (y / x):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "^" = (y ** x):ys
foldingFunction (x:xs) "ln" = log x:xs
foldingFunction xs "sum" = [sum xs]
foldingFunction xs numberString = read numberString:xs

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