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Refactor \includescore.
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NEW BEHAVIOR: The behavior of `\includescore` has changed. It now has an
optional argument.

When called without the optional argument
i.e. `\includescore{antiphon}`:

  -- Gregoriotex will now check for the existence of
     antiphon-APIVERSION.gtex. If that file does not exist it will be
     compiled from antiphon.gabc.

  -- If antiphon-APIVERSION.gtex exists, the APIVERSION will be checked
     against the current gregoriotexapiversion. If there is a mismatch,
     antiphon.gabc will be recompiled.

  -- antiphon-APIVERSION.gtex will be checked against the modification
     time of antiphon.gabc. The gabc will be recompiled if newer than
     the gtex.

  -- APIVERSION is a number automatically added by gregoriotex.

When called *with* the optional argument
i.e. `\includescore[f]{antiphon.gtex}`:

  -- The file will be immediately passed to TeX. No checks will be made
     until the one in `\gregoriotexapiversion`.

  -- The value of the optional argument can be anything. `[f]` is
     recommended, signifying `Forced`.
  • Loading branch information
eschwab committed Feb 26, 2015
1 parent fd2966c commit 7f79fa7
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 54 deletions.
55 changes: 19 additions & 36 deletions tex/gregoriotex.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,47 +174,33 @@ local function atScoreEnd ()

local function compile_gabc(gabc_file, tex_file)
local function compile_gabc(gabc_file, gtex_file)
info("compiling the score %s...", gabc_file)
res = os.execute(string.format("gregorio -o %s %s", tex_file, gabc_file))
res = os.execute(string.format("gregorio -o %s %s", gtex_file, gabc_file))
if res == nil then
err("\nSomething went wrong when executing\n 'gregorio -o %s %s'.\n"
.."shell-escape mode may not be activated. Try\n '%s --shell-escape %s.tex'\nSee the documentation of gregorio or your TeX\ndistribution to automatize it.", tex_file, gabc_file, tex.formatname, tex.jobname)
.."shell-escape mode may not be activated. Try\n '%s --shell-escape %s.tex'\nSee the documentation of gregorio or your TeX\ndistribution to automatize it.", gtex_file, gabc_file, tex.formatname, tex.jobname)
elseif res ~= 0 then
err("\nAn error occured when compiling the score file\n'%s' with gregorio.\nPlease check your score file.", gabc_file)

local function include_gabc_score(gabc_file)
if not lfs.isfile(gabc_file) then
err("the file %s does not exist.", gabc_file)
local gabc_timestamp = lfs.attributes(gabc_file).modification
local tex_file = gabc_file:gsub("%.gabc+$","-auto.gtex")
if lfs.isfile(tex_file) then
local tex_timestamp = lfs.attributes(tex_file).modification
if tex_timestamp < gabc_timestamp then
log("%s has changed since last compilation. Recompiling.", gabc_file)
gregoriotex.compile_gabc(gabc_file, tex_file)
if tonumber("%Y%m%d", tex_timestamp)) < internalversion then
log("Recompiling %s because %s does not match the current gregoriotex api version.", gabc_file, tex_file)
compile_gabc(gabc_file, tex_file)
local function include_score(input_file)
local file_root = ""
if input_file:gmatch("%.gtex+$") then
file_root = input_file:gsub("%.gtex+$", "")
elseif input_file:gmatch("%.tex+$") then
file_root = input_file:gsub("%.tex+$", "")
elseif input_file:gmatch("%.gabc+$") then
file_root = input_file:gsub("%.gabc+$", "")
log("No %s file exists. Compiling %s", tex_file, gabc_file)
compile_gabc(gabc_file, tex_file)
file_root = input_file
tex.print(string.format("\\input %s", tex_file))

local function include_gtex_score(gtex_file)
local file_root = gtex_file:gsub("%.gtex+$","")
local gabc_file = gtex_file:gsub("%.gtex+$", ".gabc")
local gtex_file = file_root.."-"..internalversion..".gtex"
local gabc_file = file_root..".gabc"
if not lfs.isfile(gtex_file) then
log("the file %s does not exist. Searching for a gabc file.", gtex_file)
if lfs.isfile(gabc_file) then
log("The file %s does not exist. Searching for a gabc file", gtex_file)
if lfs.isfile(gabc_file) then
compile_gabc(gabc_file, gtex_file)
err("The %s file does not exist.", gabc_file)
Expand All @@ -224,13 +210,11 @@ local function include_gtex_score(gtex_file)
local gtex_timestamp = lfs.attributes(gtex_file).modification
local gabc_timestamp = lfs.attributes(gabc_file).modification
if gtex_timestamp < gabc_timestamp then
gregoriotex.compile_gabc(gabc_file, gtex_file)
if tonumber("%Y%m%d", gtex_timestamp)) < internalversion then
log("Recompiling %s because %s does not match the current gregoriotex api version.", gabc_file, gtex_file)
log("%s has been modified and %s needs to be updates. Recompiling the gabc file.", gabc_file, gtex_file)
compile_gabc(gabc_file, gtex_file)
tex.print(string.format("\\input %s", gtex_file))

local function check_version(greinternalversion)
Expand All @@ -243,8 +227,7 @@ local function get_greapiversion()
return internalversion

gregoriotex.include_gabc_score = include_gabc_score
gregoriotex.include_gtex_score = include_gtex_score
gregoriotex.include_score = include_score
gregoriotex.compile_gabc = compile_gabc
gregoriotex.atScoreEnd = atScoreEnd
gregoriotex.atScoreBeggining = atScoreBeggining
Expand Down
43 changes: 25 additions & 18 deletions tex/gregoriotex.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1364,45 +1364,52 @@
%% score including

% function that includes a score in TeX format
\relax %
% The primary macro that includes a score in gTeX or gabc format.

\greerror{\protect\includetexscore\space is already defined. Check for package conflicts.}
\gre@warning{\protect\includetexscore\space is deprecated. \MessageBreak Use \protect\includescore\space instead.}
\gre@warning{\protect\greincludedtexscore\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak Use \protect\includescore\space instead.}

% function that includes scores in gabc format
\relax %
\greerror{\protect\includegabcscore\space is already defined. Check for package conflicts.}
\gre@warning{\protect\includegabcscore\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak Use \protect\includescore\space instead.}
\gre@warning{\protect\greincludedgabcscore\space is deprecated.\MessageBreak Use \protect\includescore\space instead.}

% Wrapper function that can handle both file types. This is done by checking the filename (using the string tests from the xstring package) to see if it ends with .gabc. If it does, we assume the file is in gabc format and pass it to \ger@includegabcscore. All other files are assumed to be in gtex format and are processed using \gre@includetexscore.
% A macro that passes the score directly to TeX without performing the API version check or if the gabc was modified since the creation of the gtex file.
\input #2%

% The main macro used by the user to input scores into the document.


% If called without the optional argument '\includescore{Antiphon}' the filename will be passed to the lua function 'include_score' which will check: whether the gtex file exists, if the API version of the gtex file, or if the gabc file is newer than the gtex file. If one of these tests fails, the gabc file will be (re)compiled.

% If called with the optional argument '\includescore[f]{Antiphon.gtex}' the gtex file will be forced into the document and will not be checked by the lua function 'include_score'. This does not bypass the API version test done by '\gregoriotexapiversion'.

%% some hyphen definitions
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