- BCHB-524 - Bioinformatics Computing Course Description
- Introduction to Python - 1: Hello world, simple numbers
- Introduction to Python - 2: Simple numbers, dna sequence
- Introduction to Python - 3: Functions, if statement
- Introduction to Python - 3: If and for statements
- Introduction to Python - 3: DNA as a string
- Introduction to Python - 3: Re-usable programs, handling input and output
- Python Data Structures: Lists
- Advanced Python Data Structures: Dictionaries, sets, files
- Basic Python Review: Data structures
- Advanced Python Idioms: Iteration, comprehensions, functional programming
- Python Modules and Basic File Parsing: os, math, urllib, xml files
- Sequence File Parsing using Biopython: Bio.SeqIO, Bio.SeqRecord
- NGS Files and Pysam: Count reads, filter, SNPs
- Protein Structure Informatics Using Biopython: Bio.PDB
- XML Files and ElementTree: XML format, parse methods
- Advanced Python Concepts: Modules
- Advanced Python Concepts: Exceptions
- Advanced Python Concepts: Object Oriented Programming
- Advanced Python Concepts: OOP & Inheritance
- Project Descriptions
- Using Web-Services: NCBI E-Utilities, Online Blast
- Using Local Tools: Blast
- Relational Databases: SQL Basic Concepts
- Relational Databases: Object Relational Mappers - SQLObject
- Relational Databases: Object Relational Mappers - SQLObject II
- HW 1
- 2.1 - Print Met codon backwards in lowercase
- 2.2 - Find the position and translation frame of first start-codon in sequence
- HW 2
- 3.1 - For anthrax gene: start codon in frame 1, nuc count, AA count, GC content
- 4.1 - Compute reverse complement codon function
- 4.2 - Check primer for tandem repeats
- HW 3
- 6.1 - Compute reverse complement of a given NCBI Probe primer
- 6.2 - Script that tests if reverse complement of primer is a palindrome
- HW 4
- 8.1 - 3 ways to write a DNA reverse complement function
- 8.2 - Script that takes a codon table and sequence and outputs the AA sequence
- HW 5
- 9.1 - Modify DNA translation program (8.2) to translate in each forward and reverse frame, and handle "N" symbols in third position of a codon
- 10.1 - Compact reverse complement function
- 10.2 - Script that computes nucleotide frequency using a dictionary
- HW 6
- 11.1 - Read "data.csv" and compute mean, stdev for values of specific gene by group and all together
- 12.1 - Get AA frequency for all genes in RefSeq and UniProt human proteome files and compare the two
- HW 7
- 15.1 - Write program to print references from a UniProt.xml file
- 16.1 - MyDNAStuff module to translate AA sequence in all 6 reading frames
- HW 8
- 17.1 - Add try/except blocks to DNA and codon_table modules from lec 16
- 18.1 - Convert modules for DNA seq and codon tables to classes, use classes to translate an AA sequence
- HW 9
- 21.1 - Blast query human gene and find mouse equivalents
- 22.1 - Local Blast list of protein sequences against local database
- HW 10
- 23.1 - SQL lookup scientific name of user-supplied organism
- 24.1 - SQLObject lookup scientific name of user-supplied organism
- HW 11
- 25.1 - Use SQLObject to find lineage of a user supplied organism name