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Releases: graph-algorithms/edge-addition-planarity-suite


25 Feb 19:37
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This version release contains contains two updates to how the "planarity -test" feature works, both intended to improve Linux distributions of the planarity package. First, an additional parameter can now be given after "planarity -test" to indicate the directory where the sample files have been installed. Second, the planarity application can now operate with only read-only access to the specified directory. The "make distcheck" process uses the additional parameter, and at any time after installation, the additional parameter can be used to point to the read-only shared documents directory where the sample files are installed. To implement these changes, interfaces were added and changed in the libplanarity shared object.

Other cosmetic tweaks were also made to update the planarity application and shared library version numbers, the copyright year, the instructions for developers and non-developers, and the detailed message produced by "planarity -h -menu".

This release tag includes a standard "make dist" tar ball, named planarity-, that can be used to make and even install the planarity application using instructions in

For non-developers, this release tag also includes a compiled version of the planarity application for Windows in Whether this version is used, or whether you build your own version (e.g. on another platform), you can use "planarity -test <some/dir>" on the command-line to quickly test that the build is working for you, and you can use "planarity -help" or "planarity -h" for more information about both the menu-driven and command-line behaviors of the planarity application.

Finally, note that you can develop your own graph algorithms and applications using the source code from this project. The planarity application provides a guide for how to write applications that invoke the algorithms in the edge addition planarity suite, and those algorithm implementations as well as the basic I/O support modules provide a guide for how to use the graph library in your own algorithm implementations.

Updated on Oct. 24, 2022 to change the Windows Exe zip to include an additional dll. No other changes, except the new zip file and this release note.


05 Jul 19:33
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This version bundles up some additional autotools build script modifications that build a better "make dist" tarball along with two tweaks to the planarity executable's OS return codes for the -test and -help parameters.

This release tag includes a compiled version for Windows in Whether this version is used, or whether you build your own version (e.g. on another platform), you can use "planarity -test" on the command-line to quickly test that the build is working for you, and you can use "planarity -help" for more information about both the menu-driven and command-line behaviors of the program.

This release tag also includes a standard "make dist" tar ball, named planarity-, that can be used to make and install the planarity program using the following command-line: ./configure && make && make install.

Updated on Oct. 24, 2022 to change the Windows Exe zip to include an additional dll. No other changes, except the new zip file, new name for zip file, and this release note.


17 Aug 18:31
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This version bundles up two bug fixes (not in core algorithm implementations) and several cosmetic tweaks, mostly to improve usability of the code and project. The version number was increased at the maintenance level, not just the tweak level, due to the bug fixes. In a prior
release, an optimization was implemented to change from 0-based arrays to 1-based arrays. To facilitate comparison,
the code was generalized to allow use of either approach. However, the adjacency matrix writer in the gp_write() method
and the gp_CreateRandomGraphEx() method were not appropriately generalized. These two issues have been fixed.
Cosmetic tweaks include changes made to eliminate compiler warnings, a file added to make the debugger use an external
console, better handling of directories when the user wants to output graphs being generated, and the addition of a that includes getting started information.

This release tag also includes a compiled version for Windows. Whether this version is used, or whether you build
your own version (e.g. on another platform), you can use ./planarity.exe -test to quickly test that the build is
working for you, and you can use ./planarity.exe -h for more information about both the menu-driven and
command-line behaviors of the program.

This release now also contains a standard "make dist" tar ball, named planarity-, that can be used to make and install the planarity program using the following command-line: ./configure && make && make install.

Updated on Oct. 24, 2022 to change the Windows Exe zip to include an additional dll. No other changes, except the new zip file and this release note.


16 May 04:52
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Bundle up a few tweaks. No functional changes to the algorithm implementations.
Most notably, the quick regression tests available via the -test command-line parameter now work on non-windows platforms.
A tweak was made to the automatic build tools used by some large projects, to create file copies rather than sym links.
Some comments were added to further clarify versioning.

This release also provides a landing page for executable builds. Each file of the form contains
planarity.exe - the executable version of the Edge Addition Planarity Suite algorithms.
samples - a directory of sample input and output files, also used by the -test command-line parameter

To quickly test if the software is working for you, type ./planarity.exe -test
Use ./planarity.exe -h for help


11 Oct 20:02
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Increased the version number to to simplify the release tag, the last step of enabling certain larger consuming projects with automatic building tools.

Also attached planarity.exe as a Windows build (the code of the tool and library are combined, as the build is based on the eclipse project).