examples/format.py illustrates how h5py interoperates with NumPy.
examples/structured.py illustrates how NumPy structured arrays (arrays of C structures) can be created, written and read back.
examples/attributes.py illustrates how attributes can be used in order to annotate HDF5 data.
examples/units.py illustrates how data can be wrapped with units using the Pint package.
examples/dataclass.py illustrates how dataclasses could be serialized to HDF5 files.
You will need ZHAireS-Python AiresInfoFunctions.py from https://github.com/mjtueros/ZHAireS-Python (from the DevelopmentLeia branch) You will need to define a ZHAIRESPYTHON environment variable pointing to the directory where you have this file, or edit the files to enter the location manually
And you will need to have ZHAIRES installed on your system, and defined the AIRESBINDIR environtment variable or modify the scripts to point to the dir manually, the error message you get will tell you where) Sorry, there is no painless way of doing this.
To test the ZHAireSRawToGRANDhdf5.py, uncompress the example event and do
$PYTHONINTERPRETER ZHAireSRawToGRANDHDF5.py ./example_event/ standard 0 3 TestFile.hdf5
You can run it several times with diferent run numbers and IDs to create a file with multiple times the same event. You can get other events elswhere if you want.