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Releases: google/googletest-rust


17 Mar 13:10
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v0.14.0 Pre-release

Many thanks to @carlwhamilton, @kezhuw, @calder, @eopb for contributing to this release!

API Changes

  • Rename into_test_result to or_fail (2720c76).

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where macros do not compile without use googletest::prelude::*; by making calls between macros fully qualified (7a54871).
  • Improve test hermeticity by calling Command::env_clear() in integration tests (b90142a).

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0


26 Nov 15:47
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v0.13.0 Pre-release

API Changes

  • Note that the minimum supported Rust version has increased from 1.66 to 1.70.

  • Rename #[googletest::test] to #[googletest::gtest] and add it to the prelude.

    Note that #[googletest::test] will not be deprecated because this spelling is useful for compatibility with the rstest crate.

  • Add assert_pred! to prelude.

New Features

  • Add test fixture support for synchronous tests.

    Various traits to represent different types of test fixtures have been added. The core Fixture trait may be used like this:

    struct MyFixture {...}
    impl Fixture for MyFixture {
        fn set_up() -> Result<MyFixture> {
            Ok(MyFixture {...})
        fn tear_down(self) -> Result<()> {
    fn test_with_fixture(my_fixture: &MyFixture) {...}

    ConsumableFixture has only a set_up method and no tear_down method.

    FixtureOf<T> adapts a T: Default into a ConsumableFixture.

    StaticFixture has a set_up_once method which is called only once before any tests are run.

  • Add impl Matcher<&()> for ().

  • Handle the printing of arguments passed to gtest macros that do not implement Debug using inherent method specialization.

  • Generalize verify_pred! such that it can take any expression and provide meaningful output of intermediate values on failure.

  • Add support for printing the two sides of a binary operator and traversing inside a unary operator in verify_pred!.

    For example, an assertion of the form verify_pred!(a == b) will print both the left and right-hand sides when it fails.

  • Add support for sequences (ordered and unordered) to expect_that! and assert_that!.

  • Add result_of! and result_of_ref! matchers for matching with a function applied to the value first.

    Example: verify_that!(100, result_of!(|value| value + 1, eq(101)))?; will pass.

  • Add special cases to verify_eq! so that, when doing eq matching on sequences of tuple elements, the matcher applies tuple matching, distributing eq pointwise.

    This improves the ergonomics of tests that check for tuple contents, such as:

    let hash_map: std::collections::HashMap<String, String> =
            ("a".into(), "A".into()),
            ("b".into(), "B".into())]);
    verify_eq!(hash_map, {("a", "A"), ("b", "B")})

    because the matcher for &str is compatible with &String.

    The specialization applies on the inner structure; without it, the general matcher on tuples doesn't apply in the above case due to the definition of PartialEq on whole tuples, which is currently limited by rust-lang/rust#105092.

  • Add is_true! and is_false! Boolean matchers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #[gtest] failing to compile when a user-declared std or core module is in scope.

  • Fix stack overflow that occurs when verify_pred! is used with nested function calls.

  • Fix bug in summarize_diff where actual and expected strings were considered equal despite only one of the two ending in a newline character.

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


02 Aug 13:58
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v0.12.0 Pre-release

Breaking changes

Matcher trait definition

The Matcher trait definition has changed:

Pre 0.12.0

pub trait Matcher {
    type ActualT: Debug + ?Sized;
    fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult;


pub trait Matcher<ActualT: Debug + Copy> {
    fn matches(&self, actual: ActualT) -> MatcherResult;

This makes the trait implementation more generic in three ways:

  • A single struct can implement Matcher for multiple types, since Actual is now a generic type parameter.
  • ActualT can be passed as value if it implements Copy, which solved #351.
  • When ActualT is a reference, the Matcher implementation can put constraint on its lifetime, which solved #323.

We tried to make sure this change had as limited an impact on users of the library as possible. Often, the library can be updated without changes on the tests. However, there are two areas requiring changes:

Matcher implementation

Obviously, libraries implementing their own matcher will need to update their implementation to match the new trait definition. For instance:

Pre 0.12.0

enum MyEnum {

struct MyEnumMatcher { ... }

impl Matcher for MyEnumMatcher {
    type ActualT = MyEnumMatcher;

    fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
        match actual {

will become:

enum MyEnum {

struct MyEnumMatcher { ... }

impl Matcher<&MyEnum> for MyEnumMatcher {

    fn matches(&self, actual: &MyEnum) -> MatcherResult {
        match actual {

If MyEnum implements Copy, it is appropriate to also implement Matcher<MyEnum>.

MatcherBase is a super trait to Matcher which allow the usage of .and(...) and .or(...).

eq(...) often becomes eq(&...)

The eq(...) matcher now expects a type matching the actual reference-ness. In other words, you may get error:

no implementation for `&MyStruct == MyStruct`

for instance from a test like:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct MyStruct {...}
let actual = MyStruct {...};
let expected = MyStruct {...};
verify_that!(actual, eq(expected))

The issue is that actual is auto-ref to match the Copy bound from the matcher. However, verify_that! is not able to auto-ref expected which stays a MyStruct. The simple solution is to add a & before expected.

verify_that!(actual, eq(&expected))

Even if the snippet above compiles, it will look strange to the reader, as it seems to compare a MyStruct to a &MyStruct.

There are two solutions here:

  • Add & to actual as well, since the auto-ref will detect that another & is not necessary. verify_that!(&actual, eq(&expected))
  • Use verify_eq!() which supports auto-ref on both actual and expected. verify_eq!(actual, expected).

Changes to property! and matches_pattern!

Receiver reference-ness

property! and matches_pattern! now requires that the receiver must also be referenced in the declaration to match the method definition. In other words, fn method1(&self) -> ... requires matches_pattern!(&MyStruct { method1(): ....}) and property!(&MyStruct.method1(), ...).

Dereference not necessary

Previously, property! and matches_pattern! required to add a * to "dereference" the method returned value.

Pre 0.12.0

struct MyStruct{
    field: Field

impl MyStruct{
    fn field(&self) -> &Field {&self.field}

verify_that!(MyStruct{...}, matches_pattern!(MyStruct{*field(): field_matcher()}))

In 0.12.0, this is not necessary nor supported

verify_that!(MyStruct{...}, matches_pattern!(&MyStruct{field(): field_matcher()}))

New features

expect_eq!(..., ...) and friends

GoogleTest now provides macros similar to assert_eq!() and friends with verify_ and expect_ behavior.


Most macro matchers now automatically inject eq() matchers if the parameters they are expecting does not implement Matcher.

For instance:

struct MyStruct {
    field1: String,
    field2: String,

verify_that!(actual, matches_pattern!(MyStruct{field1: "field1", field2: "my field2"}))

Generalized .into_test_result()?

.into_test_result() now extends all std::result::Result and Option which simplifies error handling in test arrangements.

matches_pattern!(...) binding modes

matches_pattern!(...) now supports both move and reference binding modes, to be more consistent with Rust pattern matching.

For instance,

struct MyStruct {
    field1: String,
    field2: String
verify_that!(actual, matches_pattern!(MyStruct{field1: "something", field2: "else"}))
verify_that!(actual, matches_pattern!(&MyStruct{field1: ref "something", field2: ref "else"}))

This is useful, if you prefer to capture some fields by reference, with the ref keyword, and some by value (they would need to implement Copy).

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


12 Jan 11:03
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v0.11.0 Pre-release

API Changes

  • The Minimum Rust Supported Version was updated from 1.59 to 1.66

  • The property! and matches_pattern! matchers use * instead of ref to handle properties returned by reference.
    For instance, to match the following structure:

    struct Strukt { a_field: i32 }
    impl Strukt {
      fn get_a_field(&self) -> &i32 {&self.a_field}


    verify_that(Strukt{a_field: 123}, property!(ref Strukt.get_a_field(), eq(123))


    verify_that(Strukt{a_field: 123}, property!(*Strukt.get_a_field(), eq(123))
  • Macro matchers are not exported on the top level anymore but exported in the googletest::matchers module as well as the googletest::prelude module.

    use googletest::elements_are;
    verify_that(vec![1,2,3], elements_are![1,2,3])


    use googletest::matchers::elements_are;
    verify_that(vec![1,2,3], elements_are![1,2,3])
  • Matcher::explain_match and Matcher::describe now returns a Description instead of a String. Handling of wrapping matcher motivated this change and will make them simpler to write. For simple matchers, this change should be straightforward.

    impl Matcher for MyMatcher {
      fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::Actual) -> String {
      fn describe(&self) -> String {


    impl Matcher for MyMatcher {
      fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::Actual) -> Description {
      fn describe(&self) -> Description {

Other new features and improvements

  • is_utf8_string(...) is a new matcher which matches a byte array with proper ut8 encoding.
  • assert_that! and expect_that! accepts an error message as third argument, like assert_eq!(...).
  • Trailing commas support in assert_that!, expect_that!, elements_are!, and unordered_elements_are!
  • Diff summary will highlight the mismatching line with colors.
  • #[should_panic] can be used with the #[googletest::test] macro.

Other minor changes

  • When using eq(...) with different types (e.g. String and &str), the PartialEq relationship has been switched. See #334 for more details.
  • Documentation fix in #299 and #332
  • Add an extra whitespace between subsequent non-fatal failure messages.

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0


25 Aug 09:41
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0.10.0 Pre-release

API Changes


Bug fixes


Other new features and improvements

  • #290 Support test functions returning () with #[googletest::test]. This allows tests which only use expect_* macros to define an always Ok(()) return type.
  • #270 Introduce a function verify_current_test_outcome.
  • #279 Introduce a macro any! as a complement to the macro all!.

Other minor changes

  • #275 Add support for using is_terminal and environment variables to determine whether to output ANSI colour sequences.
  • #267 Do not rely on a color term crate to generate ANSI character.
  • #271 Clarify the behaviour of fatal and non-fatal assertions in the documentation.
  • #283 Reduce the visibility of most submodules of matchers.
  • #295 Add docstrings for some elements which were missing it.


14 Jul 16:21
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0.9.0 Pre-release

API Changes

  • We eliminated the macro tuple! and implemented the Matcher trait directly for tuples of matchers. #260

    Previously, if one wanted to match against a tuple of matchers, one would use the tuple! macro. Now, one can construct a matcher just by taking a tuple of matchers. To port code, just remove the call to tuple!:


    verify_that!((1, 2), tuple!(eq(1), eq(2)))


    verify_that!((1, 2), (eq(1), eq(2)))

    If the tuple is a singleton, one must ensure that a trailing comma is present so that the Rust compiler recognises it as a tuple:


    verify_that!((1,), tuple!(eq(1)))


    verify_that!((1), (eq(1),))
  • We renamed the variants of MatcherResult. #258

    We renamed the variants of the enum MatcherResult from Matches and DoesNotMatch to Match respectively NoMatch. The new names are more concise and work better linguistically.

    To port code, just use the new variants:


    fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
        if condition {
        } else {


    fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
        if condition {
        } else {

    This should only affect developers who write their own matchers, not those using existing matchers.

  • We renamed MatcherResult::into_bool to MatcherResult::is_match. This name is clearer and more in line with Rust idioms such as Result::is_ok and Result::is_err. #259

    let result = matcher.matches(&value);
    if result.into_bool() { ... }


    let result = matcher.matches(&value);
    if result.is_match() { ... }

    We have also added a corresponding method MatcherResult::is_no_match() which we recommend instead of negating the output of MatcherResult::is_match().

    This should only affect developers who write their own matchers, not those using existing matchers.


  • All test assertion failures -- fatal and nonfatal -- will now be output when using a mix of assertion types with the #[googletest::test] macro. Previously, when a fatal failure occurred after a non-fatal failure, only the non-fatal failure would be output to the console. #254

Other new features and improvements

  • The diff of actual and expected values is now coloured, with extra lines from the actual value appearing in red and lines missing from the expected value appearing in green. The + and - characters are still present for the case that colours are not available or the reader of the output has colourblindness. There is also now an explanation of the output at the top of the diff. #232 #251

  • The assertion failure message for matches_pattern! has been improved when matching enums with fields. It now indicates directly that the wrong enum variant was used rather than showing a confusing message about the field not being present. #245

    For example:

    enum AnEnum {
        A(u32), B(u32)
    let actual = A(123);
    verify_that!(actual, matches_pattern!(AnEnum::B(eq(123))))

    Previous output:

    Value of: actual
    Expected: is AnEnum :: B which has field `0`, which is equal to 123
    Actual: A(123),
      which has no field `0`

    New output:

    Value of: actual
    Expected: is AnEnum :: B which has field `0`, which is equal to 123
    Actual: A(123),
      which has the wrong enum variant `A`
  • There is new optional support to ease integration with the proptest crate for property-based testing. See the crate-level documentation for more information. #246

  • The new matcher char_count matches string slices and owned strings with a given number of Unicode scalar values. It is analogous to len for containers. #247

    verify_that!("This string", char_count(gt(5)))

Other minor changes

  • The description and match explanation of the len matcher now uses the word "length" rather than (the potentially misleading) "size".
  • The output for test failures when using the #[googletest::test] attribute macro has been improved somewhat. Instead of outputting Error: (), the test harness will now output Error: See failure output above. #255


30 Jun 09:34
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0.8.1 Pre-release

This release only ensures that the published crates googletest and googletest_macro each include a copy of the LICENSE file. It includes no other changes compared to version 0.8.0.

This change is needed to import the crates googletest and googletest_macro into the Android Open Source Project.


30 Jun 07:56
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0.8.0 Pre-release

API Changes


Major features and improvements

  • The performance of constructing a diff of the actual and expected values in the assertion failure message for matchers such as eq, contains_substring, starts_with, ends_with, and eq_deref_of has been greatly improved.

  • The aforementioned diff output now compresses long sequences of equal lines, now showing only two lines of context around differences. This is similar to the standard diff tool.

  • verify_that! and related macros now support an abbreviated form for matching against containers with elements_are! and unordered_elements_are!. Namely:

    let value = vec![1, 2, 3];
    verify_that!(value, [eq(1), eq(2), eq(3)])

    is equivalent to

    let value = vec![1, 2, 3];
    verify_that!(value, elements_are![eq(1), eq(2), eq(3)])


    let value = HashSet::from([1, 2, 3]);
    verify_that!(value, {eq(1), eq(2), eq(3)})

    is equivalent to

    let value = HashSet::from([1, 2, 3]);
    verify_that!(value, unordered_elements_are![eq(1), eq(2), eq(3)])

Bugfixes and other changes

  • The matches_pattern! macro now supports matching structs and enum variants without fields. For example, the following which would not compile previously now works fine:

    enum MyEnum {
    verify_that!(value, matches_pattern!(MyEnum::A))
  • The test assertion failure message for matches_pattern! now always includes the expected struct or enum variant. For example, the following code:

    enum AnEnum {
    let value = AnEnum::B(123);
    verify_that!(value, matches_pattern!(AnEnum::A(eq(123)))

    would previously produce the following test assertion failure message:

    Value of: value
    Expected: has field `0`, which is equal to 123
    Actual: AnEnum::B(123),
      which does not have field `0`

    This was confusing, since the actual problem -- that the actual value had the wrong enum variant -- was not made clear. Now the failure message is as follows:

    Value of: value
    Expected: is AnEnum :: A which has field `0`, which is equal to 123
    Actual: AnEnum::B(123),
      which does not have field `0`

    We plan to continue to polish this message in upcoming versions.

  • The aforementioned generated diff will now only show up to ca. 25 lines of difference. If the actual and expected debug strings differ on more lines, then the two are deemed unrelated and the diff output is suppressed.


19 May 17:03
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0.7.0 Pre-release

API changes

  • The matcher size has been renamed to len to be more idiomatic in Rust.


    let value = vec![...];
    verify_that!(value, size(eq(1)))


    let value = vec![...];
    verify_that!(value, len(eq(1)))
  • The extension traits AndMatcherExt and OrMatcherExt have been removed, their methods and() and or() folded into Matcher. In the vast majority of cases, it should suffice just to remove the imports of AndMatcherExt and OrMatcherExt and instead import Matcher (if not already done).


    use googletest::matchers::{AndMatcherExt, OrMatcherExt};
    fn should_work() {
        verify_that!(value, starts_with("Something").and(ends_with("else").or(contains_substring("another thing"))))


    use googletest::matcher::Matcher;
    // or, recommended:
    use googletest::prelude::*;
    fn should_work() {
        verify_that!(value, starts_with("Something").and(ends_with("else").or(contains_substring("another thing"))))

    Importing all symbols in googletest::prelude causes Matcher to be imported.

  • The method Matcher::explain_match now returns just a String. The previous structure MatchExplanation has been removed. This has no effect on the uses of matchers, but does require some minor porting of implementations of the Matcher trait.


    fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatchExplanation {
        MatchExplanation(format!("which ..."))


    fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> String {
        format!("which ...")

New features and other changes

  • GoogleTest Rust now works with rustc 1.59. Previously, the minimum required rustc version was 1.67.

  • The expect_that! and expect_pred! macros as well as the and_log_failure() extension method will now panic if they are invoked without having used the googletest::test attribute. Previously, it was all too easy to forget to annotate the test with #[googletest::test] when using the expect_* family of assertions. The result was that the assertions would not do anything! Now, the test will immediately panic in that situation.

    The assertions will also now panic if invoked in a thread other than that in which one is running the test.

  • The output of the actual value in test assertion failure messages will no longer pretty-print if the value's debug output is a single line of at most 60 characters. This should reduce visual clutter. For example, a value of Some(123) previously would be output:

    Actual: Some(

    Now it is output:

    Actual: Some(123)
  • Assertion failures now have a newline between the debug output of the value and the further explanation of why an actual value did not match.

  • String comparisons now print a diff output when both the actual and expected values have more than one line. This should make finding the difference between two strings much easier. For example, the following assertion:

    let value = "The first line\nThe second line";
    verify_that!(value, eq("The first line\nThe second lines"))

    yields the following diagnostic output:

    Value of: value
    Expected: is equal to "The first line\nThe second line"
    Actual: "The first line\nThe second line"
      which is not equal to "The first line\nThe second line"
     The first line
    +The second line
    -The second lines

    This not only works with eq but also with the other string comparison matchers starts_with, ends_with, and contains_substring. It does not work with regular expression matchers, nor with string matchers on which one has applied additional configuration such as ignore_leading_whitespace() or times(...).

  • It is now possible to create composed matchers inside functions without running into problems with inner matchers being dropped too early. For example, previously, the following did not compile:

    fn create_a_matcher(value: u32) -> impl Matcher<ActualT = Vec<u32>> {
        contains_each![eq(value), gt(value)]

    Now this and other functions of this sort should compile and work.

  • The matcher displays_as now displays a full match explanation of its inner matcher rather than just showing how the actual value displays. In particular, it will now show a diff if the display value has multiple lines and is matched with one of the string matchers.


05 May 16:39
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0.6.0 Pre-release

API changes

  • Changed the way the Matcher trait is generic with respect to the type of the actual value from a type parameter to an associated type.

    This should not break any code using matchers, but does affect how matchers are written. First, the Matcher implementation block must now use the associated type.


    impl Matcher<ActualType> for MyMatcher {
        fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualType) -> MatcherResult {...}


    impl Matcher for MyMatcher {
        type ActualT = ActualType;
        fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualType) -> MatcherResult {...}

    When the matcher is generic over the actual type (as is common), then the concrete matcher type must also reference the actual value type. This will often require the use of PhantomData in the struct body.


    struct MyMatcher {...}
    impl<ActualT> Matcher<ActualT> for MyMatcher {
        fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> MatcherResult {...}


    struct MyMatcher<ActualT> {
        phantom: PhantomData<ActualT>,
    impl<ActualT> Matcher for MyMatcher<ActualT> {
        type ActualT = ActualT;
        fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> MatcherResult {...}

    Why did we make this change? This forces the concrete matcher type always to carry the type against which it matches. Doing so solves problems which we discovered where the compiler is unable to perform type inference on certain combinations of matchers due to missing information about that type (see below).

Bug fixes

  • The and() and or() methods now work with strings. Previously, using them with strings would cause compilation to fail due to problems with type inference.

    verify_that!("A string", starts_with("A").and(ends_with("string")))

New features

  • The new prelude module makes it easier to include all core functionality and all matchers in one import statement:

    use googletest::prelude::*;
    fn should_work() -> Result<()> {
        verify_that!(123, eq(123))
  • The eq matcher now outputs a diff of debug output of the actual and expected values when the assertion fails due to their not being equal, if each value is more than one line.

  • The new matcher eq_deref_of works like eq but takes a reference to the expected value. This is useful when one only has a reference to the expected value and it cannot or should not be cloned.

Other changes

  • Many fixes to documentation examples. Examples corresponding to real code should now be correct.
  • Doctests are now enabled on all examples where it makes sense to do so.
  • The module import setup has been simplified, making things easier for external contributors.