Feel free to contribute or give any feedback.
This package can be used in Laravel 8 or higher. The minimum PHP version required is 8.1
This package publishes a config/nats.php file. If you already have a file by that name, you must rename or remove it, as it will conflict with this package. You could optionally merge your own values with those required by this package, as long as the keys that this package expects are present. See the source file for more details.
As a Nats client we use an external basis-company/nats.php package - the most popular, well-written and functional Nats client for PHP. Greatest thanks to Dmitry Krokhin (nekufa)!
The recommended way to install the library is through Composer:
$ composer require goodway/laravel-nats
You should publish the config/nats.php config file with:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Goodway\LaravelNats\LaravelNatsProvider"
The client connection configuration is specified in the config/nats.php file. Multiple configuration supported
'client' => [
'configurations' => [
'default' => [
'host' => env('NATS_HOST', 'localhost'),
'port' => intval(env('NATS_PORT', 4222)),
'user' => env('NATS_USER'),
'password' => env('NATS_PASSWORD'),
'token' => env('NATS_TOKEN'), // Sets an authorization token for a connection
'nkey' => env('NATS_NKEY'), // new, highly secure public-key signature system based on Ed25519
'jwt' => env('NATS_JWT'), // Token for JWT Authentication
'reconnect' => env('NATS_RECONNECT', true),
'connection_timeout' => floatval(env('NATS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT', 1)), // Number of seconds the client will wait for a connection to be established
'verbose_mode' => env('NATS_VERBOSE_MODE', false), // Turns on +OK protocol acknowledgements
'inbox_prefix' => env('NATS_INBOX_PREFIX', '_INBOX'), // Sets default prefix for automatically created inboxes
'ping_interval' => intval(env('NATS_PING_INTERVAL', 2)), // Number of seconds between client-sent pings
Describe the queue connection configuration in your 'config/queue.php' file. It supports multiple client configurations.
'nats' => [
'driver' => 'nats',
'consumer_client' => 'default', // client configuration name from nats.php config file to listen queue
'publisher_client' => 'default', // client configuration name from nats.php config file to publish queue
'jetstream' => env('NATS_JETSTREAM', 'jetstream'),
'jetstream_retention_policy' => env('NATS_JETSTREAM_RETENTION_POLICY', 'workqueue'),
'consumer' => env('NATS_CONSUMER_GROUP', 'consumer'),
'consumer_iterations' => intval(env('NATS_CONSUMER_ITERATIONS', 3)),
'queue_consumer_create' => (bool)env('NATS_QUEUE_CONSUMER_CREATE', false),
'queue_consumer_prefix' => env('NATS_QUEUE_CONSUMER_PREFIX', 'con'),
'queue_separated_clients' => env('NATS_QUEUE_SEPARATE_IDENTICAL_CLIENTS', true), // separate Nats clients with the identical configuration
// 'queue_handler' => 'someClass',
'fire_events' => (bool)env('NATS_QUEUE_MESSAGE_EVENTS', true),
'default_batch_size' => intval(env('NATS_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE', 10)),
'verbose_mode' => (bool)env('NATS_QUEUE_VERBOSE_MODE', true),
'check_jetstream_publish' => (bool)env('NATS_QUEUE_CHECK_JETSTREAM_PUBLISH', true)
Fields description:
- driver - [string] queue driver name. Use 'nats'
- consumer_client - [string] client configuration name used to listen queue
- publisher_client - [string] client configuration name used to publish messages
- jetstream - [string] nats jetstream name
- jetstream_retention_policy - [string] jetstream retention policy. Used on queue listening to generate the correct consumer name
- consumer - [string] consumer group. Used for the final name of the consumer
- consumer_iterations - [int, optional, 2] how many times message request should be sent
- consumer_delay - [float, optional, 1] how long to wait (in sec.) before sending the next request if an empty response was received
- queue_consumer_create - [bool] if true, Queue will try to automatically create a new consumer if one is not found. This functionality only works if the current connection client has the necessary permissions to create a consumer
- queue_consumer_prefix - [string] consumer prefix. Used for the final name of the consumer
- queue_separated_clients - [bool] see description below
- fire_events - [bool] if true then events will be fired during the publishing and handling received messages processes
- default_batch_size - [int, optional, 10] batch size. How many messages would be requested from nats stream
- queue_handler - [string, optional] classname of your custom queue handler. If not defined, then the standard handler will be used
- verbose_mode - [bool, optional, false] var_dump some additional info. For example on publishing
- check_jetstream_publish [bool, optional, true] - additionally check for the existence of a jetstream with each PUB
You can specify one connection for publisher and another one for consumer, or use one connection for both roles.
You can also use one or separate connections if the publisher client configuration name matches the consumer client configuration. Use this feature through the "queue_separated_clients" bool attribute.
The easiest way to send a message to queue is to call a dispatch() method on a simple class that extends NatsMessageJob. The class must contain a body() method that will return the contents of the message. Return type for body() is mixed, it can be either a string or an array. This data will be serialized.
use Goodway\LaravelNats\NatsMessageJob;
class TestNatsJob extends NatsMessageJob
public function body(): mixed
return [
'data' => Str::random(32),
'group_random' => random_int(1,3),
You can also use a dynamic body by passing content through the constructor.
NatsMessageJob class uses Dispatchable and Queueable concerns and implements classic ShouldQueue interface. Example:
dispatch((new TestNatsJob())->onConnection('nats')->onQueue('queue-name');
You can also specify the subject for message using the $subject variable (default is "default"), or set it when dispatching a job.
protected string $subject = 'mySubject';
dispatch((new TestNatsJob())
You can set a message headers using the headers() method of your class. Example:
class TestNatsJob extends NatsMessageJob
public function headers(): array
return [
'header1_key' => 'header1_value',
'header2_key' => 'header2_value',
You can connect and listen to messages from the queue using standard queue:work mechanism. Example:
php artisan queue:work nats --queue=queue-name
"body": [string] serialized data of your message body
"headers": [array] headers array
"subject": [string] subject value
"timestamp": [int] timestamp in ms
These events are fired during the publishing and listening processes.
This event is fired after a message is sent to the queue
This event is fired when a message is received from the queue