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Addon for using @shopify/draggable in ember projects.


  • Easy to use
  • FastBoot Compatible
  • Easily Extendable



ember install @gavant/ember-shopify-draggable


ember-shopify-draggable contains ember components for all of the @shopify/draggable modules (Swappable, Sortable, Droppable, and Draggable).


This addon allows you to pass in a list object to the container component, and an item object to the item component. This will give you the ability to keep track of the underlying JS list automatically. You can see an example of this below.

Here we pass in list which is an array of js objects, and give item to each container.item. When any action is performed the group.container component sends an action and you can just have it mutate the list. So each time the list is modified by drag/drop your passed in list will be updated with those changes!

        start=(action "sortableStart")
        sort=(action "sortableSort")
        sorted=(action "sortableSorted")
        stop=(action "sortableStop")
        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |group|
    {{#group.container list
        itemReordered=(action (mut list))
        itemAdded=(action (mut list))
        itemRemoved=(action (mut list)) as |container|}}
            {{#each container.items as |item|}}
                {{#container.item item}}
                Im empty
    {{#group.container listTwo
        itemReordered=(action (mut listTwo))
        itemAdded=(action (mut listTwo))
        itemRemoved=(action (mut listTwo)) as |container|}}
            {{#each container.items as |item|}}
                {{#container.item item}}
                Im Empty

Angle bracket component style (Ember v3.4+)

        start=(action "sortableStart")
        sort=(action "sortableSort")
        sorted=(action "sortableSorted")
        stop=(action "sortableStop")
        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |Group|
        @itemReordered={{action (mut list)}}
        @itemAdded={{action (mut list)}}
        @itemRemoved={{action (mut list)}}
        as |Container|
        {{#each Container.items as |item|}}
            <Container.item @item={{item}}>
            Im empty
        @itemReordered={{action (mut listTwo)}}
        @itemAdded={{action (mut listTwo)}}
        @itemRemoved={{action (mut listTwo)}}
        as |container|
        {{#each Container.items as |item|}}
            <Container.item @item={{item}}>
            Im Empty


You can listen to the Sortable's base interaction events by adding actions to the {{#sortable-group}} component. See the above examples for the correct action names and structure.

Possible events for Sortable can be found at Sortable Events


NOTE: Currently only works with one container

        start=(action "swappableStart")
        swap=(action "swappableSwap")
        swapped=(action "swappableSwapped")
        stop=(action "swappableStop")
        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |group|
    {{#group.container list
        itemReordered=(action (mut list))
        as |container|}}
            {{#each container.items as |item index|}}
                {{#container.item item index=index}}
                Im empty

Angle bracket component style (Ember v3.4+)

        start=(action "swappableStart")
        swap=(action "swappableSwap")
        swapped=(action "swappableSwapped")
        stop=(action "swappableStop")
        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |Group|
        @itemReordered={{action (mut list)}}
        as |Container|
        {{#each Container.items as |item index|}}
            <Container.item @item={{item}} @index={{index}}>
            Im empty


You can listen to the Sortable's base interaction events by adding actions to the {{#swappable-group}} component. See the above examples for the correct action names and structure.

Possible events for Swappable can be found at Swappable Events


Droppable can be used via a similar set of components, but with the addition of a dropzone component, which has the restriction that only a single draggable item may occupy a dropzone at any given time.

        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
        dropped=(action "droppableDropped")
        returned=(action "droppableReturned")
    as |group|
    {{#group.container as |container|}}
        {{#container.dropzone as |dropzone|}}
            {{#dropzone.item}}Item 1{{/dropzone.item}}
        {{#container.dropzone as |dropzone|}}
            {{!-- dropzone is starting out empty --}}

Angle bracket component style (Ember v3.4+)

        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
        dropped=(action "droppableDropped")
        returned=(action "droppableReturned")
    as |Group|
    <Group.container as |Container|>
        <Container.dropzone as |Dropzone|}}
            <Dropzone.item>Item 1</Dropzone.item>
        <Container.dropzone as |Dropzone|>
            {{!-- dropzone is starting out empty --}}


You can listen to the Droppable's base interaction events by adding actions to the {{#droppable-group}} component. See the above examples for the correct action names and structure.

Possible events for Droppable can be found at Droppable Events


Draggables are the base module from which all the others extend from, so on its own it doesn't offer much functionality. However, it can still be useful if you need the lower-level primitive to build on top of.

        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |group|
    {{#group.container as |container|}}
        {{#container.item}}Item 1{{/container.item}}
        {{#container.item}}Item 2{{/container.item}}
        {{#container.item}}Item 3{{/container.item}}

Angle bracket component style (Ember v3.4+)

        start=(action "dragStart")
        move=(action "dragMove")
        over=(action "dragOver")
        out=(action "dragOut")
        stop=(action "dragStop")
    as |Group|
    <Group.container as |Container|>
        <Container.item>Item 1</Container.item>
        <Container.item>Item 2</Container.item>
        <Container.item>Item 3</Container.item>


You can listen to the Draggable's base interaction events by adding actions to the {{#draggable-group}} component. See the above examples for the correct action names and structure.

Possible events for Draggable can be found at Draggable Events

Common Options

You can customize several of the underlying Sortable, Swappable, Droppable, or Draggable instances' options by passing in additional properties to the {{sortable-group}}, {{swappable-group}}, {{droppable-group}} and {{draggable-group}} components.

  • delay - (default: 100) adds a delay to the drag interaction when a sortable item is clicked.
  • handle - (default: null) a CSS selector for a handle element within the sortable item elements if you don't want to allow dragging from anywhere on the entire item element.
  • mirrorOptions - (default: {constrainDimensions: true}) a hash of options that are used to customize the behavior and appearance of the "mirror" element that gets created when dragging

For more details on these options see:

NOTE: These options do not support dynamically changing values, and will only respect the initial value that is passed in when the component is first rendered.


The ember components for each of the modules also support enabling the plugins that are provided by @shopify/draggable.


Enable by setting resizeMirror=true on the top level *-group components. This plugin is supported by all components.


Enable by setting snappable=true on the top level *-group components. This plugin is supported by all components.

The Snappable plugin also exposes some additional events that can be listed to via actions on the supported group components:

    in=(action "snapIn")
    out=(action "snapOut")

Possible events for Snappable can be found at Snappable Events


Enable by setting swapAnimation=true on the top level *-group component. It is currently only supported by {{sortable-group}}.

An additional option property, swapAnimationOptions is provided on the supported group components. (see options documentation)


Enable by setting collidable=true on the top level *-group components. It is currently supported by {{sortable-group}}, {{swappable-group}} and {{droppable-group}}.

An additional option property, collidables is provided on the supported group components (see options documentation)

The Collidable plugin also exposes some additional events that can be listed to via actions on the supported group components:

    in=(action "collidableIn")
    out=(action "collidableOut")

Possible events for Collidable can be found at Collidable Events



  • git clone <repository-url>
  • cd ember-shopify-draggable
  • npm install


  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix

Running tests

  • ember test – Runs the test suite on the current Ember version
  • ember test --server – Runs the test suite in "watch mode"
  • ember try:each – Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions

Running the dummy application

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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  • JavaScript 69.4%
  • Handlebars 14.2%
  • SCSS 13.4%
  • HTML 3.0%