Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. And supports with elasticsearch.
Gse is implements jieba by golang, and try add NLP support and more feature
- Support common, search engine, full mode, precise mode and HMM mode multiple word segmentation modes;
- support user and embed dictionary, POS tagging, analyze segment info, stop and trim
- Support HMM cut text use Viterbi algorithm.
- Support NLP by TensorFlow (in work)
- run JSON RPC service.
- Dictionary with double array trie (Double-Array Trie) to achieve
- Segmenter algorithm is the shortest path (based on word frequency and dynamic programming), and DAG and HMM algorithm word segmentation.
- single thread 9.2MB/s
- goroutines concurrent 26.8MB/s.
- HMM text segmentation single thread 3.2MB/s. (2core 4threads Macbook Pro).
gse-bind, binding JavaScript and other, support more language.
go get -u github.com/go-ego/gse
package main
import (
var (
text = "Hello world, Helloworld. Winter is coming! 你好世界."
new, _ = gse.New("zh,testdata/test_dict3.txt", "alpha")
seg gse.Segmenter
posSeg pos.Segmenter
func main() {
// Loading the default dictionary
// seg.LoadDictEmbed()
// Load the dictionary
// seg.LoadDict("your gopath"+"/src/github.com/go-ego/gse/data/dict/dictionary.txt")
func cut() {
hmm := new.Cut(text, true)
fmt.Println("cut use hmm: ", hmm)
hmm = new.CutSearch(text, true)
fmt.Println("cut search use hmm: ", hmm)
hmm = new.CutAll(text)
fmt.Println("cut all: ", hmm)
func analyzeAndTrim(cut []string) {
a := seg.Analyze(cut)
fmt.Println("analyze the segment: ", a)
cut = seg.Trim(cut)
fmt.Println("cut all: ", cut)
fmt.Println(seg.String(text, true))
fmt.Println(seg.Slice(text, true))
func cutPos() {
po := seg.Pos(text, true)
fmt.Println("pos: ", po)
po = seg.TrimPos(po)
fmt.Println("trim pos: ", po)
po = posSeg.Cut(text, true)
fmt.Println("pos: ", po)
po = posSeg.TrimWithPos(po, "zg")
fmt.Println("trim pos: ", po)
func segCut() {
// Text Segmentation
tb := []byte(text)
fmt.Println(seg.String(text, true))
segments := seg.Segment(tb)
// Handle word segmentation results, search mode
fmt.Println(gse.ToString(segments, true))
Look at an custom dictionary example
package main
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed test_dict3.txt
var testDict string
func main() {
// var seg gse.Segmenter
// seg.LoadDict("zh, testdata/test_dict.txt, testdata/test_dict1.txt")
// seg.LoadStop()
seg, err := gse.NewEmbed("zh, word 20 n"+testDict, "en")
// seg.LoadDictEmbed()
text1 := "你好世界, Hello world"
fmt.Println(seg.Cut(text1, true))
fmt.Println(seg.String(text1, true))
segments := seg.Segment([]byte(text1))
How to use it with elasticsearch?
go get -u github.com/go-ego/re
To create a new gse application
$ re gse my-gse
To run the application we just created, you can navigate to the application folder and execute:
$ cd my-gse && re run
Gse is primarily distributed under the terms of "both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0)". See LICENSE-APACHE, LICENSE-MIT.