#SQL Sharp
This library makes it possible to interact with SQL like most c# objects. It was originally going to only be SQLite but I split it off so that the SQL is separate in case it gets expanded into MYSQL and SQLServer.
It builds off the Microsft SQLite project: https://github.com/aspnet/Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
If you wanted to create a table
SQLCreateTable table = new SQLCreateTable("Customers");
table.AddField("ID", "INTEGER", 0, false, true, true);
table.AddField("Name", "VARCHAR", 30);
table.AddField("Address", "VARCHAR", 30);
table.AddField("City", "VARCHAR", 30);
table.AddField("State", "VARCHAR", 2);
table.AddField("Zip", "VARCHAR", 7);
SQLiteCreate create = new SQLiteCreate(db, table);
If you wanted to add multiple rows of data you could do so like this:
SQLInsertTableMultiValues insertvalues = new SQLInsertTableMultiValues("Customers");
insertvalues.SetFields("Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Zip");
insertvalues.AddValues("Bob Moore", "123 No where", "NoneTown", "GH", "14538-3213");
insertvalues.AddValues("Jack Friar", "342 Main St", "Hopetown", "JI", "46753-3234");
SQLiteInsert insert = new SQLiteInsert(db, insertvalues);
if you want to do a query
SQLiteSelect select = new SQLiteSelect(db);
select.DoQuery("Customers", "*");
To Access the data from the query
SqliteDataReader reader = select.GetReader();
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine($"{reader["ID"]} {reader["Name"]} {reader["Address"]} {reader["City"]} {reader["State"]} {reader["Zip"]}");
If you find the library useful, a donation would be appeciated Donate with this link: paypal.me/GColeJr Please choose Friends and Family