- create conda environment
conda create --name gks2p python=3.9 pandas scipy spyder
- activate conda environment
conda activate gks2p
- install GAK:suite2p package directly from github
python -m pip install "suite2p[gui] @ git+https://github.com/gkeliris/suite2p.git@gks2p"
- install scanreader
pip3 install git+https://github.com/atlab/scanreader.git
- install the gks2p_preprocess repository from github
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/gkeliris/gks2p_preprocess.git@mecp2
optional in case not working
sudo apt-get install libegl1
conda install pyqt
pip uninstall PyQt6
pip install PyQt5
install scipy / pandas / spyder in case not installed with environment
conda install pandas
conda install scipy
conda install spyder
install VSCODE in case not already installed
sudo snap install code --classic
install CELLPOSE
pip install 'cellpose[gui]'