This Spring Boot application shows, how documents and images can be managed using a combination of a relational database (e.g. PostgreSQL) and a S3 object storage (AWS S3, Minio), where the S3 storage is directly exposed as a tier-2 system.
All the logic (e.g. authorization) is held in a relational database (tier-3) and served by a tier-2 Spring Boot REST service. The S3 storage is used directly by the clients (browser) using pre-signed URLs.
Screenshot of the application's user interface
Flow for upload of documents:
- Client sends meta-data of document to application service (POST) and saves it to the application's database
- Client receives pre-signed URL to write document content (PUT)
- Client uses PUT to upload document content to S3 object storage
- Client receives HTTP 200 on success
- Object Storage publishes PUT events (
) via- AQMP, Kafka, WebHooks, ... in case of using private minio or Ceph
- SQS, Lambda (in case of using public AWS S3)
- Application service
- receives PUT event
- finalizes meta data (content length, mime type, ...) to database
- creates a thumbnail (not shown in diagram)
- and sends "ready" event back to browser client using WebSocket/STOMP
- the frontend uses sockjs-client to allow websockets also on older (non ES5) browsers
- the frontend uses webstomp-client
- the used STOMP protocol is
- STOMP heart beats are on default rate for incoming / outcoming at 10 seconds / 10 seconds
- The data returned by the application to the browser client on receiving an S3 event is currently a simple JSON
with a command (
when the asynchronous thumbnail creation process is done) and the full document object.
"event": "thumbnailReady",
"document": {
"id": 123,
The default setting
- assumes minio runs on port
- is using a bucket named
- uses
as an alias - uses WebHook for bucket event notification
Start minio. Here on a local IP with port 9999 - this IP and port is also pre-configured in application-dev.yml - You have to chance this, matching your setup!
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=miniosecret
export MINIO_REGION_NAME=default
./minio server --address data
# [Optional] Check existing server aliases
./mc alias list
# [Optional] Remove existing server alias
./mc alias remove minio-local
# Configure the server's new alias
./mc alias set minio-local minio miniosecret --api "S3v4"
# Check minio content
./mc ls minio-local
# Remove the bucket, if it exists
./mc rb minio-local/bucket-01 --force
# Create bucket
./mc mb minio-local/bucket-01 --region default
# Check version
./mc --version
# Update minio to latest version
./mc update
# Add/Replace webhook
./mc admin config set minio-local/ notify_webhook:1 enable="true" endpoint="http://localhost:8080/event-api/s3/"
> Setting new key has been successful.
> Please restart your server with `mc admin service restart minio-local/`.
# Restart server
./mc admin service restart minio-local/
# Will show
AccessKey: minio
SecretKey: miniosecret
Region: default
SQS ARNs: arn:minio:sqs:default:1:webhook
# Add event filter to configuration
./mc event add minio-local/bucket-01 arn:minio:sqs:default:1:webhook --event put
Successfully added arn:minio:sqs:default:1:webhook
# Check events
./mc event list minio-local/bucket-01
arn:minio:sqs:default:1:webhook s3:ObjectCreated:* Filter:
# Remove event
./mc event remove minio-local/bucket-01 arn:minio:sqs:default:1:webhook
Temporary or permanent switch off rules per line or per file:
// eslint:disable-next-line:no-console
// eslint:disable:no-console
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
// eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
- 10.07.2022 (0.7.0-SNAPSHOT)
- Refactoring of the WebSocket/Stomp part
- Application property
(currently false) for future non-broadcast based solutions - curl scripts for simulating S3 (minio) web hooks added
- 09.07.2022 (0.6.0-SNAPSHOT)
- Upgrade to JHipster 7.8.1
- Dependency upgrades for all other dependencies
- 31.07.2020
- Upgrade to JHipster 6.10.1, Upgrade to AWS SDK 1.11.831