This plugin enables your rails i18n strings in your javascript.
In your Gemfile
gem 'j18n', :git => 'git://'
Then run
bundle install
rails generate j18n:install
This will generate (overwrite) an initializer at
Modify that file with your settings
J18n.setup do |config|
# Set the javascript output file path
config.output_path = "public/javascripts/j18n.js"
# If true, the javascript file will be generated on application startup
config.build_on_boot = false
Include the javascript in your application layout or wherever you need the i18n
= javascript_include_tag 'j18n'
You can also use a generator to build the i18n file
rails generate j18n:regenerate
After you run the generator you can use the translate method in your javascript as you are used from rails
This will lookup a value at "". "en" is the default locale. If you want to change it, use
I18n.locale = "de";
Copyright (c) 2010 Alexander Gräfenstein. See LICENSE for details.