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Material model

Andreas Nicolai edited this page Nov 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Material Model

  • Materials can be parametrized either through material files (m6-format) or via implemented functions in class Material

  • Materials can be parametrized for heat and moisture transport, or for heat transport alone (metals, plastic etc.)

  • Material parametrization availability is indicated via the Material::m_flags variable, which is set either by flags WATER_TIGHT, VAPOR_TIGHT, AIR_TIGHT in the material data file or in the init() function for built-in materials

  • Unless WATER_TIGHT and VAPOR_TIGHT are set together, materials are expected to have a moisture storage function available, otherwise the solver treats the materials as moisture-tight and the moisture content of these materials will always be zero.

Moisture Storage

  • The moisture retention function Ol(pC) must be present (either as spline or as implemented function). In the case of spline data, the function is linearly interpolated using pC as interpolation x-variable.

Liquid Transport

  • The liquid conductivity lgKl(Ol) must be present (either as spline or as implemented function). In the case of spline data, the function is linearly interpolated using log10(Kl) as interpolation y-variable.

Vapour Transport

  • The vapor permeability Kv(Ol) must be provided. If not implemented as built-in material, the function can be parametrized in two ways:
    1. a spline lgKv(Ol) is provided in the material file, in which case the spline is linearly interpolated using log10(Kv) as interpolation y-variable
    2. a mu-value is given, in which case the function is generic Kv = delta_v/mu * (1-Ol/Oeff)
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