Machine Intelligence and Expert Systems Term Project,
Autumn Semester, 2018-19,
Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engg,
IIT Kharagpur
- Open terminal or ide and run the file
- Note: The text files containing the data and python files should be in same folder
- Reference:- Folder named '\data'
- Collected using the mouse.jar application.
- Continuous data was collected over a period of time by various users
- Reference:-
- Pre-processes the raw data and transform it to contain hold time and latencies for all combination of keystrokes,
- The basics of mouse movement: X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, Theta value etc are extracted.
- Reference:-
- Data obtained from is used as input.
- Data for each user is assigned a particular class value (0,1,2,..).
- train-test split is done separately for each class to ensure train and test set contain appropriate proportions of each class
- Whole data is then merged, while maintaining the train-test split.
- Gaussian Naive-Bayes Model is implemented on the split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test
- To validate the stability of the model, five fold cross validation is used.
- Open terminal or ide and run the file
- Note: The text files containing the data and python files should be in same folder
- GaussianNB:- 49.49833%
- GaussianNB with 5-fold Cross validation:- 15.798%
- GaussianNB:- 83.49355%
- GaussianNB with 5-fold Cross validation:- 67.39%
- GaussianNB:- 94.75419%
- GaussianNB with 5-fold Cross validation:- 80.674%
We can witness a significant increase in the accuracy when the training dataset is increased.