Twig loader for loading templates by using a component handle based on the Fractal naming convention.
For example:
βββ components
β βββ small-components
| βββ button
| βββ button.twig # Will be @button
You can now include the button template with the @[component-handle]
{% include '@button' %}
- Twig >=2.14
- PHP >=7.4
The recommended way to install this loader is via Composer:
composer require gglnx/twig-component-handle-loader
Then you can use this loader directly with Twig:
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader = new \Gglnx\TwigComponentHandleLoader\Loader\ComponentHandleLoader('../path-to-my-components');
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
You can also combine this loader with other loaders using ChainLoader
- Ordering and hiding are yet not fully supported and tested.
- Using Prefixes is not possible.
- Overriding handle in the component configuration is not possible.
Prefixing and overriding the component handle require to read the corresponding component configuration. This could be out-of-scope for this loader and maybe better placed in a specific Twig Fractal loader.