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@getsentry-bot getsentry-bot released this 31 Jan 22:55


  • Improve & expose SentryOptions class (#56)
  • Create or modify events using SentryEvent objects and new SDK methods: SentrySDK.create_event(), SentrySDK.capture_event(event) (#51)
  • New environment property in SentryOptions and better auto-naming to prioritize development environments (#66)
  • Configure the SDK via GDScript and filter events using event hooks before_send and on_crash. The new SentryConfiguration class can be extended in a script and assigned in options to configure the SDK during initialization. However, due to the way scripting is initialized in the Godot Engine, this comes with a trade-off: a slightly later initialization. If a configuration script is assigned, initialization must be delayed until ScriptServer is ready to load and run the user script. (#60)
  • New dist property in SentryOptions (#74)
  • Click to copy UUIDs in the demo project (#78)
  • Customize SentryEvent tags (#72)


  • Refine sentry-native build step and improve tracking of build artifacts (#71)
