####### BASE64 encoding system using Client-Server socket programming #######
- server can handle many clients simultaneously and while communicating it uses base64 encoding.
- client server communication work on TCP sockets.
- Initially server will be waiting for the client to create TCP connection.
- Then client will communicate with the server on already known port number.
- After succesfull connection establishment, client will ask input message from user and and client encodes this message and send to the server.
- After recieving the message , server decodes the message and prints the original message and decoded message. and server sends an ACK message to the client.
- Client and server remains in the loops to continue the endless communication, untill the user want to terminate the connection.
- If client wants to close the connection, client send the type 3 (close connection) message to the server.
- After recieving close connection message from client, TCP connection is closed and all the socket resources are released successfully.
This module consists of 4 file-:
- client.c //this file includes the encode and decode module.
- server.c //this file also includes the encode and decode module.
- encode.c //Encoding the text message to base64 encoding
- decode.c //Decoding the base64 encoded message.
- **Command :- ** gcc -o client client.c -lm
- Command :- gcc -o server server.c -lm
./server 9090
./client 9090
./client 9090
> Client: _<executable code><Server IP Address><Server Port number>_
> Server: _<executable code><Server Port number>_