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Ganglia Reports

Vladimir Vuksan edited this page May 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

As you may know Ganglia supports sending of string metrics. For example each gmond will report OS name and kernel number. You can also send arbitrary strings using gmetric e.g.

gmetric -d 60 -n "config_digest" -t string -v "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"

will create a string metric called config_digest. One use is to use it alerting for example Nagios integration has support for check value is same on a set of hosts

Starting with Ganglia Web 3.7.0 there is a Reports tab in the UI where you use following inputs

  • Host Regular expression - specify a regular expression that will match hosts you want e.g. web[0-4] matches hosts that start with web0, web1, web2, web3 and web4
  • Metric you want reported on e.g. os_name, os_release. It can be any metric even a numeric one. For example you can ask for breakdown by number of CPUs
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