npm/cli and binary 📦 to generate a token from GitHub Apps.
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GitHub Apps are the most powerful entity in the GitHub universe today. These Apps allow you to change a PR, add checks to a commit, trigger workflows and even (with the right permissions) commit code! But The tricky thing is, You need to generate a token every time you you want to use them.
This npm package / command line tool / binary will do just that!
You can install and use this package in different ways:
npx github-app-installation-token \
--appId <APP_ID> \
--installationId <INSTALLATION_ID> \
--privateKeyLocation <path/to/the/private.pem>
npm -g install github-app-installation-token
npm run github-app-installation-token \
--appID <APP_ID> \
--installationId <INSTALLATION_ID> \
--privateKeyLocation <path/to/the/private.pem>
yarn global add github-app-installation-token
github-app-installation-token \
--appId <APP_ID> \
--installationId <INSTALLATION_ID> \
--privateKeyLocation <path/to/the/private.pem>
import { getToken } from 'github-app-installation-token';
const { token } = await getToken({
appId: '1234',
installationId: '112345555', //
privateKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ......-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----', // the private key you took from the app.
If you don't want any dependencies, you can use the binary directly.
Head over to releases and pick the binary for LINUX, MACOSX and WINDOWS.
If you are looking for a solution for your GitHub workflows, take a look at github-app-installation-token-action
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