Nofuture.go - debian 12 install
Core Components Build Process
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \
cmake ninja-build gcc ligit clone --depth 1 && cd liboqs
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DOQS_BUILD_ONLY_LIB=ON ..bssl-dev libtool autoconf
sudo ninja install
sudo ldconfig
# 4. Configurazione Go environment
export CGO_CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -loqs -lssl -lcrypto"
export GOFLAGS="-buildvcs=false"
# 5. Inizializzazione modulo Go
sudo -u www-data /usr/local/go/bin/go mod init nofuture
sudo -u www-data /usr/local/go/bin/go get -v \[email protected] \ \ \
# 6. Compilazione finale
sudo -u www-data /usr/local/go/bin/go build -v \
-tags="oqs,purego,harden" \
-trimpath \
-ldflags="-s -w -extldflags '-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now'" \
-buildmode=pie \
-o nofuture
# 7. Hardening del binario
sudo setcap cap_sys_ptrace,cap_net_admin=ep nofuture
sudo chmod 0700 nofuture
MemGuard Initialization & Configuration:
unix.Mlockall(unix.MCL_CURRENT | unix.MCL_FUTURE)
- Secure Memory Locking: Prevents swapping sensitive data to disk
- Interrupt Handling: Automatic memory purge on SIGINT/SIGTERM
- Deep Memory Purge: Secure wiping of allocated buffers
MemGuard in Key Lifecycle Management:
passphrase, _ := memguard.NewImmutableRandom(32)
defer passphrase.Destroy()
- Immutable Buffers: Write-protected memory regions
- Ephemeral Storage: Keys exist only in protected memory
- Automatic Destruction: Guaranteed wipe with defer
Enclave-Based Cryptography:
func deriveEnclaveKey(passphrase *memguard.Enclave) {
passBuf, _ := passphrase.Open()
defer passBuf.Destroy()
- Double-Layer Protection: Enclave wrapping + locked buffers
- Controlled Exposure: Temporary buffer access patterns
- Zero-Copy Architecture: Minimize memory exposure
Quantum-Safe Key Exchange:
pubKey, secKey, _ := quantumKEMKeyPair()
defer pubKey.Destroy()
defer secKey.Destroy()
- MemGuard-Protected Keys:
- Public Key: Immutable locked buffer
- Private Key: Enclave-wrapped storage
- Zeroization on Completion: Guaranteed key destruction
Secure Session Management:
type QuantumSession struct {
sessionKey *memguard.Enclave
remotePubKey *memguard.Enclave
- Enclave-Wrapped Session Keys: Encrypted memory storage
- Forward Secrecy: Ephemeral session keys
- Compartmentalization: Isolated memory regions per session
Memory-Hardened Cryptography:
lockedKey, _ := memguard.NewImmutableFromBytes(key)
defer lockedKey.Destroy()
- Argon2 in Protected Memory:
- Memory-hard derivation in locked buffers
- Secure salt handling
- Multi-Layer Protection:
- mlock() system calls
- Guard pages