An application that shows sudoku puzzles in graphical form and can solve them.
The application is written in python3 using pygame for the graphical interface.
Requires a recent version of python3. Installation procedure depends on OS and architecture.
After installing python it needs pygame
library. Installing it is as simple as running pip install pygame
, but I
recommend doing that in a virtual environment. For that, after cloning the repository or downloading the file to a directory,
named for example sudoku-solver and changing to that directory you can run:
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install pygame
Does not need installation other than the prerequisite pygame library. I comes as a .py file that can be executed as is.
If pygame is globaly installed it can be run with just:
If installed in a virtual environment, first the venv must be activated by doing:
source bin/activate
and then running
The does both steps automaticaly and also deactivates the venv after leaving the application.
The application shows a random sudoku puzzle.
To show a different puzzle press n
To show current sudoku solution press s
The puzzles are chosen from one of five categories 1 to 5 in increasing difficulty.
By default it chooses puzzles from the 'hard' category, from file puzzles4.txt.
To choose a different category, modify line 69 in with one of:
'easiest', 'easy', 'normal', 'hard', or 'hardest'
For example:
- Gabriel Dumitrescu - Initial work -
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Pygame library -