Tools that shutdown GCP Instance on your schedule.
- Shutdown target
- Target instance must has Label(
- Architecture
- Cloud Scheduler --> Pub/Sub --> CloudFunction
- 🚧Limitation🚧
- Stop only. This tool does not support restart yet
- If you need to recover, you should restart instances manually
- Stop only. This tool does not support restart yet
- nothing special
- install gcloud
# Deploy Cloud Function
gcloud functions deploy ReceiveEvent --project <project-id> \
--runtime go111 \
--trigger-topic instance-scheduler-event
# Create Cloud Scheduler Job
gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub shutdown-workday \
--project <project-id> \
--schedule '0 22 * * *' \
--topic instance-scheduler-event \
--message-body '{"command":"stop"}' \
--time-zone 'Asia/Tokyo' \
--description 'automatically stop instances'
Set label for target instance
gcloud compute instances update <insntance-name> \
--project <project-id> \
--update-labels state-scheduler=true
# Instance Group
gcloud compute instance-templates create <tmeplate-name> ... \
--project <project-id> \
--labels state-scheduler=true
# Cloud SQL (master must be running)
gcloud beta sql instances patch <insntance-name> \
--project <project-id> \
--update-labels state-scheduler=true
gcloud container clusters update <cluster-name> \
--project <project-id> \
--zone <cluster-master-node-zone> \
--update-labels state-scheduler=true
- publish message to pub/sub
gcloud pubsub topics publish stop-instance-event --project <project-id> --message "{"command":"stop"}"
- confirm Functions log
gcloud functions logs read --project <project-id> --limit 50
- manual launch for job of scheduler
gcloud beta scheduler jobs run shutdown-workday-instance
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details