Open-Source solution for mathematical computation with support for Optical Character Recognition
This is still under construction. It's not even alpha. I will have a view-only Trello available soon so you all can see into my development process.
To create a powerful Open-Source project focused on solving mathematical problems using the most wide-spread language of the century: ✨JavaScript✨ The OCR module is using the Tesseract OCR under the curtains for optical recognition of equations (will implement Tesseract Training as well. Sometime).
I intend to create a large enough data-set to train a specific neural-network for solving any math problem. Much like Wolfram, but free as a bird 🐦.
If you happen to be a AI Wizard with nothing better to do, come help me. If you are a NodeJS Ninja and wish to change the world or something, come help me. I don't bite. Just email me: [email protected]
The project has three main componenets:
Click on any of these for more detailed documentation.