Bunch of utilities I hacked together to achieve some goal at some point or other. Mostly random, will update as I make more.
Sadly some lost to time and may stumble across and upload in the future.
- Make sure Termux is installed and root access available
- Open Termux and run pkg install tsu to allow root execution of scripts
- Install git as well to clone this repo pkg install git
- Also install python if not installed pkg install python
- Clone repo git clone https://github.com/lordfme/whatsapp
- tsu -c whatsapp/script.py (replace script.py with name of script to run)
Or run these lines on Termux in turn
pkg install git tsu python
git clone https://github.com/lordfme/whatsapp
cd whatsapp
ln -s consensual_contacts.py ../consensual_contacts.py
ln -s vid_status.py ../vid_status.py
cd ..
tsu -c ./consensual_contacts.py
tsu -c ./vid_status.py
To display contacts who saved your number which you haven't saved in return and vice versa.
Useful to increase statuses you receive.
For disabling and enabling received WhatsApp video status broadcasts.
Ensure DB_DIR is correct and edit whitelist set to include numbers you want unaffected then run.
usage: vid_status.py [-h] [-d] [-e] [-c] [-D DAYS] [-m MODE]
Presents status updates as regular WhatsApp messages to allow for storing statuses to view at your own time and/or allowing finer control of which statuses get downloaded.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --disable Disable statuses
-e, --enable Enable statuses
-c, --clear Clear disabled statuses
-D DAYS, --days DAYS Clear statuses older than D days ago, default 1
-m MODE, --mode MODE Text (1), Images (2), Videos (4), sum to get mimetypes
to operate on, default 7 (all)
Only one of these operations can be done at a time (disable, enable or clear), extra operations will be ignored. Enabling statuses only works if status is still present on status roll, WhatsApp automatically removes disabled statuses after a while from status roll. The day option allows for integers or floats and defaults to 1
vid_status.py -d disables statuses currently in status roll and saves as messages
vid_status.py -d -D 1 same as above, disables statuses within the past 24h
vid_status.py -d -m 4 disable videos alone (moves video statuses to messages)
vid_status.py -d -m 4 -D 0.0833 disable video statuses received from the past 0.0833 of a day (last 2 hrs)
vid_status.py -c clear all disabled statuses older than 24h
vid_status.py -e enable statuses previously disabled (moves them back to status roll)
vid_status.py -e -m 1 enable text statuses previously disabled (moves them back to status roll)
vid_status.py -e -m 1 -D 0.05 enable text statuses previously disabled within last 1.2 hrs
vid_status.py -c -m 3 -D 2 clear text and image statuses older than 2 days
Disabled statuses can be found here http://wa.me/2348033831003, http://wa.me/2348083454312, http://wa.me/2347053205090