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added backend options to the aesa-deep runner
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ugeorge committed Aug 9, 2019
1 parent ab3de16 commit c95025a
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Showing 2 changed files with 87 additions and 33 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ The [technical report](
The following projects produce binaries. Check their `` file for more information.

* [`aesa-atom`](aesa-atom)
* [`aesa-shallow`](aesa-atom)
* [`aesa-shallow`](aesa-shallow)
* [`aesa-deep`](aesa-deep)

We recommend to place the compiled binaries in the shell path, e.g.

Expand All @@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ At the moment these are the generated binaries (and their usage):
aesa-cube --help
aesa-shallow --help
aesa-stream --help
aesa-deep --help

These binaries have their default settings as to be run from [this](.) folder, otherwise the paths need to be provided as command line arguments.

Expand Down
116 changes: 84 additions & 32 deletions aesa-deep/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,83 +6,132 @@ import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import Data.List
import Control.Monad

import ForSyDe.Atom.MoC.Stream (Stream(..), tailS)
import "forsyde-atom-extensions" ForSyDe.Atom.MoC.SY as SY (Signal(..), SY(..), signal, fromSignal)
import "forsyde-atom-extensions" ForSyDe.Atom.MoC.SDF as SDF (Signal(..), signal, fromSignal)
import "forsyde-atom-extensions" ForSyDe.Atom.Skeleton.Vector as V (Vector(..), vector, fromVector, farm11)
-- import ForSyDe.Deep.Complex (toDeepCpx, fromDeepCpx)

import AESA.StreamsAtom as M2
import AESA.PC.R1 as R1
import AESA.PC.R2 as R2
import AESA.PC.R3 as R3
import AESA.PC.R4 as R4
import AESA.Params

import Utils

main = do
(inFilePath, outFile, runArg) <- getArgs >>= parse
inPath <- checkIfFile inFilePath
_ <- checkIfDir outFile
-- Begin execution
putStrLn $ "Reading the indata at: " ++ inPath ++ "..."
aesaIn <- readInData inPath
let nAntennas = length aesaIn
nSamples = length $ head aesaIn
putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show nAntennas ++ " * " ++ show nSamples
++ " complex samples which means "
++ show ((nAntennas * nSamples) `div` (nA * nb * nFFT))
++ " indata cube(s)..."
let iSigs = map SY.signal aesaIn
refPC = selectPC runArg
oSigs = let (oCTR,oCTL) = ct $ refPC $ dbf $ vector iSigs
oCFARR = cfar $ dfb $ oCTR
oCFARL = cfar $ dfb $ oCTL
in int oCFARR oCFARL
oData = map ((map V.fromVector . V.fromVector) . last . SY.fromSignal)
$ V.fromVector oSigs
putStrLn $ "Executing and dumping the AESA output with PC in Refinement Phase "
++ runArg ++ "..."
dumpData3 outFile showFloat oData
printDimen3 ("Dumped at "++ outFile ++" the last cube of AESA output: ") oData
(inFilePath, outFile, runArg, gmlArg, vhdArg, quaArg) <- getArgs >>= parse

when (not $ null runArg) $ executeSim inFilePath outFile runArg

when (not $ null gmlArg) $ do {
putStrLn $ "Dumping GraphML for Refinement Phase " ++ gmlArg ++ "...";
selectGml gmlArg

when (not $ null vhdArg) $ do {
putStrLn $ "Generating VHDL files for Refinement Phase " ++ gmlArg ++ "...";
selectVhd vhdArg

when (not $ null quaArg) $ do {
putStrLn $ "Generating Quartus project files for Refinement Phase " ++ gmlArg ++ "...";
selectQua quaArg

executeSim inFilePath outFile runArg = do
inPath <- checkIfFile inFilePath
_ <- checkIfDir outFile;
-- Begin execution
putStrLn $ "Reading the indata at: " ++ inPath ++ "..."
aesaIn <- readInData inPath
let nAntennas = length aesaIn
nSamples = length $ head aesaIn
putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show nAntennas ++ " * " ++ show nSamples
++ " complex samples which means "
++ show ((nAntennas * nSamples) `div` (nA * nb * nFFT))
++ " indata cube(s)..."
let iSigs = map SY.signal aesaIn
refPC = selectPC runArg
oSigs = let (oCTR,oCTL) = ct $ refPC $ dbf $ vector iSigs
oCFARR = cfar $ dfb $ oCTR
oCFARL = cfar $ dfb $ oCTL
in int oCFARR oCFARL
oData = map ((map V.fromVector . V.fromVector) . last . SY.fromSignal)
$ V.fromVector oSigs
putStrLn $ "Executing and dumping the AESA output with PC in Refinement Phase " ++ runArg ++ "...";
dumpData3 outFile showFloat oData;
printDimen3 ("Dumped at "++ outFile ++" the last cube of AESA output: ") oData

selectPC arg
| arg == "1" = R1.pc'
| arg == "2" = R2.wrappedPC''
-- for simulation efficiency we do not simulate 'wrappedPC3' because the zipx . unzipx pattern would
-- cause a memory overflow (32GB RAM are not enough!) we keep it within the list domain instead.
| arg == "3" = wrapR2 (V.vector . map SDF.signal . simList R3.procPCSys . map SY.fromSignal . V.fromVector)
| otherwise = error $ "No refinement stage " ++ arg ++ ". Re-run the program with --help to see the accepted input commands."

| arg == "4" = wrapR2 (V.vector . map SDF.signal . simList R4.procPCSys' . map SY.fromSignal . V.fromVector)
| otherwise = error $ noArgErr arg
selectGml arg
| arg == "3" = R3.graphmlPC3
| arg == "4" = R4.graphmlPC4
| otherwise = error $ noArgErr arg
selectVhd arg
| arg == "3" = R3.vhdlPC3
| arg == "4" = R4.vhdlPC4
| otherwise = error $ noArgErr arg
selectQua arg
| arg == "3" = R3.quartusPC3
| arg == "4" = R4.quartusPC4
| otherwise = error $ noArgErr arg

noArgErr arg = "No refinement stage " ++ arg ++ ". Re-run the program with --help to see the accepted input commands."

flags =
[Option ['i'] ["input"] (ReqArg InPath "PATH")
"Path to input data file. Default: gen/AESA_INPUT.csv"
,Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg DumpPath "PATH")
"Path to main generated file. Default: gen/AESA_OUT_S.csv"
,Option ['r'] ["run"] (ReqArg Run "PHASE")
("Runs the AESA in one of the refinement phases [1-4]. Default: 1")
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help)
("Runs the AESA in one of the refinement phases [1-4]. Default 1.")
,Option ['g'] ["graphml"] (ReqArg GraphML "PHASE")
("Dumps the internal structure of a ForSyDe-Deep model for refinement phases [3-4] as graphML files.")
,Option ['v'] ["vhdl"] (ReqArg VHDL "PHASE")
("Generates the VHDL files for refinement phases [3-4].")
,Option ['q'] ["quartus"] (ReqArg Quartus "PHASE")
("Generates the Quartus II project and verifies if the VHDL is synthesizable for refinement phases [3-4].")
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help)
"Print this help message"

data Flag
= Run String -- -r
| GraphML String -- -g
| VHDL String -- -v
| Quartus String -- -q
| InPath String -- -i
| DumpPath String -- -o
| Help -- --help
deriving (Ord,Show)

instance Eq Flag where
(Run _) == (Run _) = True
(VHDL _) == (VHDL _) = True
(GraphML _) == (GraphML _) = True
(Quartus _) == (Quartus _) = True
(InPath _) == (InPath _) = True
(DumpPath _) == (DumpPath _) = True
Help == Help = True
_ == _ = False

getFlagArg (Run s) = s
getFlagArg (VHDL s) = s
getFlagArg (GraphML s) = s
getFlagArg (Quartus s) = s
getFlagArg (InPath s) = s
getFlagArg (DumpPath s) = s

Expand All @@ -92,7 +141,10 @@ parse argv = case getOpt Permute flags argv of
selArg x = let arg = select (x "")
in if null arg then "" else getFlagArg (head arg)
runArg = let p = (selArg Run)
in if null p then "1" else p
in if null p && null gmlArg && null vhdArg && null quaArg then "1" else p
gmlArg = (selArg GraphML)
vhdArg = (selArg VHDL)
quaArg = (selArg Quartus)
inPath = let p = (selArg InPath)
in if null p then "gen/AESA_INPUT.csv" else p
outFile = let p = (selArg DumpPath)
Expand All @@ -102,9 +154,9 @@ parse argv = case getOpt Permute flags argv of
if Help `elem` args
then do hPutStrLn stderr (usageInfo header flags)
else return (inPath, outFile, runArg)
else return (inPath, outFile, runArg, gmlArg, vhdArg, quaArg)
(_,_,errs) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr (concat errs ++ usageInfo header flags)
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

where header = "Usage: aesa-deep [-ior]"
where header = "Usage: aesa-deep [-iorgvq]"

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