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(base) extra clean to the base library of graphjs
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andreffnascimento committed Feb 16, 2025
1 parent 584552f commit 2e5ba69
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Showing 13 changed files with 93 additions and 106 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let set (config : 'a t) (value : 'a) : unit =
| Constant -> failwith "invalid update to locked config"

let ( ! ) (config : 'a t) : 'a = get config
let ( $= ) (config : 'a t) (value : 'a) = set config value
let ( := ) (config : 'a t) (value : 'a) = set config value

(* Generic platform configurations *)
let dflt_buf_sz : int t = constant 512
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ let get_system () : system =
module Config = struct
include Config

let colored_requirement : int t = constant 256
let system : system t = constant (get_system ())
let colored_requirement = constant 256
let system = constant (get_system ())

let pwd () : string = Unix.getcwd ()
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/base/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(libraries unix fpath yojson))
94 changes: 47 additions & 47 deletions src/base/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Config = struct
include Config

let colored : bool t = static true
let colored = static true

module Attr = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,71 +78,71 @@ module Attr = struct
| `Reset -> 0
| `Foreground fg -> to_code fg
| `Background bg -> to_code bg + 10
| `Effect eff -> to_code eff
| `Style sty -> to_code sty
| `Effect effect -> to_code effect
| `Style style -> to_code style

type t = Attr.t list

open struct
let make_foreground (fg : Attr.color option) (font : t) : t =
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:(fun fg -> `Foreground fg :: font) fg
let mk_foreground (fg : Attr.color option) (font : t) : t =
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:(fun fg' -> `Foreground fg' :: font) fg

let make_background (bg : Attr.color option) (font : t) : t =
let mk_background (bg : Attr.color option) (font : t) : t =
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:(fun bg -> `Background bg :: font) bg

let make_effect (eff : Attr.effect option) (font : t) : t =
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:(fun eff -> `Effect eff :: font) eff
let mk_effect (effect : Attr.effect option) (font : t) : t =
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:(fun effect' -> `Effect effect' :: font) effect

let make_style ((sty, on) : * bool option) (font : t) : t =
let style_f = function true -> `Style sty :: font | false -> font in
let mk_style ((style, on) : * bool option) (font : t) : t =
let style_f = function true -> `Style style :: font | false -> font in
Option.fold ~none:font ~some:style_f on

let make_font (fg : Attr.color option) (bg : Attr.color option)
(eff : Attr.effect option) (bold : bool option) (italic : bool option)
(underline : bool option) (strike : bool option) =
make_foreground fg []
|> make_background bg
|> make_effect eff
|> make_style (`Bold, bold)
|> make_style (`Italic, italic)
|> make_style (`Underline, underline)
|> make_style (`Strike, strike)
let mk_font (fg : Attr.color option) (bg : Attr.color option)
(effect : Attr.effect option) (bold : bool option) (italic : bool option)
(underline : bool option) (strike : bool option) : t =
mk_foreground fg []
|> mk_background bg
|> mk_effect effect
|> mk_style (`Bold, bold)
|> mk_style (`Italic, italic)
|> mk_style (`Underline, underline)
|> mk_style (`Strike, strike)

let colored (writer : Writer.t) : bool =
Config.(!colored) && Writer.colored writer

let foreground (font : t) : Attr.color option =
let get_foreground (font : t) : Attr.color option =
List.find_map (function `Foreground fg -> Some fg | _ -> None) font

let background (font : t) : Attr.color option =
let get_background (font : t) : Attr.color option =
List.find_map (function `Background bg -> Some bg | _ -> None) font

let effect (font : t) : Attr.effect option =
List.find_map (function `Effect eff -> Some eff | _ -> None) font
let get_effect (font : t) : Attr.effect option =
List.find_map (function `Effect effect -> Some effect | _ -> None) font

let style (sty : (font : t) : bool option =
let get_style (style : (font : t) : bool option =
Fun.flip List.find_map font (function
| `Style sty' when sty == sty' -> Some true
| `Style style' when style == style' -> Some true
| _ -> None )

let create ?(fg : Attr.color option) ?(bg : Attr.color option)
?(eff : Attr.effect option) ?(bold : bool option) ?(italic : bool option)
?(effect : Attr.effect option) ?(bold : bool option) ?(italic : bool option)
?(underline : bool option) ?(strike : bool option) () : t =
make_font fg bg eff bold italic underline strike
mk_font fg bg effect bold italic underline strike

let update ?(fg : Attr.color option) ?(bg : Attr.color option)
?(eff : Attr.effect option) ?(bold : bool option) ?(italic : bool option)
?(effect : Attr.effect option) ?(bold : bool option) ?(italic : bool option)
?(underline : bool option) ?(strike : bool option) (font : t) : t =
let fg = Option.map_none ~value:(foreground font) fg in
let bg = Option.map_none ~value:(background font) bg in
let effect = Option.map_none ~value:(effect font) eff in
let bold = Option.map_none ~value:(style `Bold font) bold in
let italic = Option.map_none ~value:(style `Italic font) italic in
let underline = Option.map_none ~value:(style `Underline font) underline in
let strike = Option.map_none ~value:(style `Strike font) strike in
make_font fg bg effect bold italic underline strike
let fg = Option.map_none ~value:(get_foreground font) fg in
let bg = Option.map_none ~value:(get_background font) bg in
let effect = Option.map_none ~value:(get_effect font) effect in
let bold = Option.map_none ~value:(get_style `Bold font) bold in
let italic = Option.map_none ~value:(get_style `Italic font) italic in
let underline = Option.map_none ~value:(get_style `Underline font) underline in
let strike = Option.map_none ~value:(get_style `Strike font) strike in
mk_font fg bg effect bold italic underline strike

let pp_font (ppf : Fmt.t) (font : t) : unit =
let pp_attr ppf attr = Fmt.pp_int ppf (Attr.code attr) in
Expand All @@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ let pp (font : t) (pp_v : Fmt.t -> 'a -> unit) (ppf : Fmt.t) (v : 'a) : unit =
if not (colored (Writer.find ppf)) then pp_v ppf v
else Fmt.fmt ppf "%a%a%a" pp_font font pp_v v pp_font [ `Reset ]

let kfmt (font : t) (k : Fmt.t -> 'a) (ppf : Fmt.t) :
('b, Fmt.t, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b =
let kfmt (font : t) (k : Fmt.t -> 'a) (ppf : Fmt.t)
(fmt : ('b, Fmt.t, unit, 'a) format4) : 'b =
let pp_fmt ppf = Fmt.fmt ppf "%t" in
Fmt.kdly (fun acc -> pp font pp_fmt ppf acc |> fun () -> k ppf)
Fmt.kdly (fun acc -> pp font pp_fmt ppf acc |> fun () -> k ppf) fmt

let kdly (font : t) (k : (Fmt.t -> unit) -> 'a) :
('b, Fmt.t, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b =
let kdly (font : t) (k : (Fmt.t -> unit) -> 'a)
(fmt : ('b, Fmt.t, unit, 'a) format4) : 'b =
let pp_fmt ppf = Fmt.fmt ppf "%t" in
Fmt.kdly (fun acc -> k (fun ppf -> pp font pp_fmt ppf acc))
Fmt.kdly (fun acc -> k (fun ppf -> pp font pp_fmt ppf acc)) fmt

let fmt (font : t) (ppf : Fmt.t) : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a =
kfmt font ignore ppf
let fmt (font : t) (ppf : Fmt.t) (fmt : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, unit) format4) : 'a =
kfmt font ignore ppf fmt

let dly (font : t) : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, Fmt.t -> unit) format4 -> 'a =
kdly font
let dly (font : t) (fmt : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, Fmt.t -> unit) format4) : 'a =
kdly font fmt
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ type 'a t =

open struct
let next (gen : int ref) (step : int) () =
let next (gen : int ref) (step : int) () : int =
let counter = !gen in
gen := counter + step;

let reset (counter : int ref) (init : int) () = counter := init
let reset (counter : int ref) (init : int) () : unit = counter := init

let of_numbers ?(init : int = 0) ?(step : int = 1) () : int t =
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File renamed without changes.
42 changes: 16 additions & 26 deletions src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,22 @@
module Config = struct
include Config

let log_warns : bool t = static true
let log_infos : bool t = static false
let log_debugs : bool t = static false
let log_verbose : bool t = static false

let app : ((Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) t =
constant (Fmt.dly "graphjs", Font.create ~fg:`White ())

let error : ((Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) t =
constant (Fmt.dly "error", Font.create ~fg:`LightRed ())

let warn : ((Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) t =
constant (Fmt.dly "warn", Font.create ~fg:`Yellow ())

let info : ((Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) t =
constant (Fmt.dly "info", Font.create ~fg:`LightCyan ())

let debug : ((Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) t =
constant (Fmt.dly "debug", Font.create ~fg:`Cyan ())
let log_warns = static true
let log_infos = static false
let log_debugs = static false
let log_verbose = static false
let app = constant (Fmt.dly "graphjs", Font.create ~fg:`White ())
let error = constant (Fmt.dly "error", Font.create ~fg:`LightRed ())
let warn = constant (Fmt.dly "warn", Font.create ~fg:`Yellow ())
let info = constant (Fmt.dly "info", Font.create ~fg:`LightCyan ())
let debug = constant (Fmt.dly "debug", Font.create ~fg:`Cyan ())

open struct
let create_log ((header, font) : (Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) (ppf : Fmt.t) :
('a, Fmt.t, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a =
let create_log ((header, font) : (Fmt.t -> unit) * Font.t) (ppf : Fmt.t)
(fmt : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, 'b) format4) : 'a =
let pp_content ppf fmt = Font.fmt font ppf "[%t] %t" header fmt in
Fmt.kdly (Fmt.fmt ppf "%a@." pp_content)
Fmt.kdly (Fmt.fmt ppf "%a@." pp_content) fmt

let fmt_app (ppf : Fmt.t) (fmt : ('a, Fmt.t, unit, unit) format4) : 'a =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +86,7 @@ module Redirect = struct

let capture (old : Writer.t Config.t) (buf : Buffer.t) : Buffer.t =
Writer.Config.(old $= Writer.to_buffer buf);
Writer.Config.(old := Writer.to_buffer buf);

let capture_to ~(out : Buffer.t option) ~(err : Buffer.t option) : t =
Expand All @@ -115,7 +105,7 @@ module Redirect = struct
| Shared ->
let streams = capture_to ~out:(buffer ()) ~err:None in
let new_out = Writer.Config.(!stdout) in
Writer.Config.(stderr $= new_out);
Writer.Config.(stderr := new_out);

let pp_captured (ppf : Fmt.t) (streams : t) : unit =
Expand All @@ -133,6 +123,6 @@ module Redirect = struct
let new_err = Writer.Config.(!stderr) in
Option.fold ~none:() ~some:(close new_out old_out.ppf) streams.new_out;
Option.fold ~none:() ~some:(close new_err old_err.ppf) streams.new_err;
Writer.Config.(stdout $= old_out);
Writer.Config.(stderr $= old_err)
Writer.Config.(stdout := old_out);
Writer.Config.(stderr := old_err)
19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions src/base/stdlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
include Stdlib.Option

let ( let* ) (v : 'a t) (f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t = bind v f
let ( let+ ) (f : 'a -> 'b) (v : 'a t) : 'b t = map f v
let ( let* ) (o : 'a t) (f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t = bind o f
let ( let+ ) (f : 'a -> 'b) (o : 'a t) : 'b t = map f o

let value_lazy ~(default : 'a lazy_t) : 'a t -> 'a = function
| None -> Lazy.force default
| Some v -> v
let value_lazy ~(default : 'a lazy_t) (o : 'a t) : 'a =
match o with None -> Lazy.force default | Some v -> v

let map_none ~(value : 'a t) : 'a t -> 'a t = function
| None -> value
| Some _ as v -> v
let map_none ~(value : 'a t) (o : 'a t) : 'a t =
match o with None -> value | Some _ as v -> v

let fold_lazy ~(none : 'b lazy_t) ~(some : 'a -> 'b) : 'a t -> 'b = function
| None -> Lazy.force none
| Some v -> some v
let fold_lazy ~(none : 'b lazy_t) ~(some : 'a -> 'b) (o : 'a t) : 'b =
match o with None -> Lazy.force none | Some v -> some v
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/base/stdlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
include Stdlib.Result

let ( let* ) (v : ('a, 'e) t) (f : 'a -> ('b, 'e) t) : ('b, 'e) t = bind v f
let ( let+ ) (f : 'a -> 'b) (v : ('a, 'e) t) : ('b, 'e) t = map f v
let ( let* ) (r : ('a, 'e) t) (f : 'a -> ('b, 'e) t) : ('b, 'e) t = bind r f
let ( let+ ) (f : 'a -> 'b) (r : ('a, 'e) t) : ('b, 'e) t = map f r

let extract (vs : ('a, 'b) t list) : ('a list, 'b) t =
Fun.flip2 List.fold_right vs (Ok []) (fun v acc ->
match (acc, v) with
let extract (rs : ('a, 'b) t list) : ('a list, 'b) t =
Fun.flip2 List.fold_right rs (Ok []) (fun r acc ->
match (acc, r) with
| ((Error _ as err), _) -> err
| (Ok _, (Error _ as err)) -> err
| (Ok vs, Ok v) -> Ok (v :: vs) )
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/client/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Graphjs_base
module Config = struct
include Config

let time_font_f font = Font.update font ~eff:`Faint
let time_font_f font = Font.update font ~effect:`Faint
let main_font : Font.t t = constant (Font.create ~fg:`White ())
let path_font : Font.t t = constant (Font.create ~fg:`DarkGray ())
let success_font : Font.t t = constant (Font.create ~fg:`LightGreen ())
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/client/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ module Options = struct

let set (no_svg : bool) (no_literal_wrapping : bool) () : unit =
Builder_config.(export_svg $= not no_svg);
Builder_config.(wrap_literal_property_updates $= not no_literal_wrapping)
Builder_config.(export_svg := not no_svg);
Builder_config.(wrap_literal_property_updates := not no_literal_wrapping)

let set_cmd (inputs : Fpath.t list) (output : Fpath.t option)
(taint_config' : Fpath.t option) () : t =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/client/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Options = struct

let set (test262_conform_hoisted' : bool) : unit =
Parser_config.(test262_conform_hoisted $= test262_conform_hoisted')
Parser_config.(test262_conform_hoisted := test262_conform_hoisted')

let set_cmd (inputs : Fpath.t list) (output : Fpath.t option) () : t =
{ inputs; output }
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ type status = (unit Exec.status Cmd.eval_ok, Cmd.eval_error) Result.t

let set_copts (colorless : bool) (lvl : Enums.DebugLvl.t) (verbose : bool)
(override' : bool) : unit =
Font.Config.(colored $= not colorless);
Log.Config.(log_warns $= (lvl >= Warn));
Log.Config.(log_infos $= (verbose || lvl >= Info));
Log.Config.(log_debugs $= (lvl >= All));
Log.Config.(log_verbose $= verbose);
Workspace.Config.(override $= override')
Font.Config.(colored := not colorless);
Log.Config.(log_warns := (lvl >= Warn));
Log.Config.(log_infos := (verbose || lvl >= Info));
Log.Config.(log_debugs := (lvl >= All));
Log.Config.(log_verbose := verbose);
Workspace.Config.(override := override')

let copts : unit Term.t =
let open Term in
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let copts : unit Term.t =

let set_shared_opts (mode' : Enums.AnalysisMode.t) () : unit =
let open Graphjs_share in
Share_config.(mode $= Enums.AnalysisMode.conv mode')
Share_config.(mode := Enums.AnalysisMode.conv mode')

let shared_opts : unit Term.t =
Term.(const set_shared_opts $ Docs.SharedOpts.mode $ copts)
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