- mouse events
- touch events
- stylesheets
- analogclock
Originally from: https://github.com/jwintz/qt-ios-examples
Build patched CMake version first (see releases, e.g. v3.3.2-p0).
Download iOS toolchains from Polly:
> git clone https://github.com/ruslo/polly
> export POLLY_ROOT="`pwd`/polly" # save location to some variable
Pick toolchain you need and build. For example ios-8-4-armv7
> cmake -H. -B_builds/ios-8-4-armv7 -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${POLLY_ROOT}/ios-8-4-armv7.cmake" -DHUNTER_STATUS_DEBUG=ON
Same with build.py
> export PATH="${POLLY_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
> which build.py
> build.py --toolchain ios-8-4-armv7 --verbose