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Unicode 15.0 includes a number of changes and 4,489 new characters,
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including another major extension of CJK unified ideographs. A number of the
Unicode Standard Annexes have significant modifications for Unicode 15.0. Two
new scripts have been added, and there are also 20 additional emoji characters
in Unicode 15.0.

A. Summary

Unicode 15.0 adds 4489 characters, for a total of 149,186 characters. These additions include 2 new scripts, for a total of 161 scripts, as well as 20 new emoji characters.


NamesList.txt 15.0_Beta for anyone interested in testing the next version.

If you have any Unicode bug reports or improvements, please report them at
The review period for 15.0 Beta is before 2022jul12.

This is marked as 14.9 for testing purposes.
  • Loading branch information
JoesCat committed Jul 2, 2022
1 parent 7f6e0d0 commit 373c1f1
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,001 additions and 384 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ matrix:

- call %MBASH% "pacman --noconfirm -S --needed base-devel"
- call %MBASH% "pacman --noconfirm -S autoconf automake libtool"
- call %MBASH% "python -m ensurepip --default-pip"
- call %MBASH% "python -m pip install setuptools wheel"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion AUTHORS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ orbea <orbea>
Naohiro Aota
Biswapriyo Nath <Biswa96>

French Nameslist:
Contributions à la version en langue française :
Jacques André, France
Patrick Andries, Canada (Québec)
Bernard Chauvois, France
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions ChangeLog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
- 2022-Jul-01
* Unicode 15.0_Beta (Nameslist.txt 15_Beta for review until Jul12).
* Biswapriyo Nath added Windows MSYS2 build (used by github tests),
this also helped identify some more nameslist-dll.h clang fixes.
* orbea fixed bug fixing Gentoo Bugs 779670 and 792474.

- 2021-Nov-14
* Version 1.10, Unicode 14.0 and French version 1.5 now is at 14.0.
* Gentoo Bug 781716 & Debian Bug 989173, -O0 patch by Naohiro Aota.
Expand Down
26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions buildnameslist.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,13 +42,23 @@ static const char *lgv[2] = { NL_VERSION, NFR_VERSION };

static int printcopyright2credits(FILE *out) {
fprintf( out, "; Ces noms français sont utilisés pour confectionner\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tles commentaires documentant chacun des caractères\n");
fprintf( out, "; Liste des noms des caractères (version en langue française)\n\n");
fprintf( out, "; Le Consortium Unicode entretient une collaboration étroite\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tet une liaison officielle avec le groupe de travail qui élabore\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tla norme internationale ISO/CEI 10646. Le standard Unicode, version %s,\n", NFR_VERSION);
fprintf( out, ";\tintègre 838 nouveaux caractères, dont neuf idéogrammes unifiés CJC.\n\n");
fprintf( out, "; Le présent fichier peut être utilisé librement. Toutefois, aucune\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tmodification n’y est autorisée ; toutes les copies doivent être\n");
fprintf( out, ";\trigoureusement identiques au fichier original.\n\n");
fprintf( out, "; Le Consortium Unicode n’est pas responsable des erreurs ou omissions\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tdans ce fichier.\n\n");
fprintf( out, "; Les noms en langue française des caractères codés sont utilisés, notamment,\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tpour produire les commentaires documentant chacun des caractères\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tdont les poids de tri sont déterminés dans la table commune\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tde la norme internationale ISO/CEI 14651. Cette dernière table\n");
fprintf( out, ";\test normative. La présente liste est informative, jusqu’à ce que\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tl’ISO/CEI 10646 ait été remise à niveau en français.\n;\n");
fprintf( out, "; Contributions à la version %s française des noms de caractère :\n", NFR_VERSION);
fprintf( out, ";\tde la norme internationale ISO/CEI 14651. Ladite table est normative ;\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tla présente liste est informative, jusqu’à ce que la norme\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tISO/CEI 10646 ait été remise à niveau en français.\n\n");
fprintf( out, "; Contributions à la version en langue française : %s\n", NFR_VERSION);
fprintf( out, ";\tJacques André, France\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tPatrick Andries, Canada (Québec)\n");
fprintf( out, ";\tBernard Chauvois, France\n");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,8 +175,8 @@ static int ReadNamesList(void) {
int i, j;
static char *nameslistfiles[] = { "NamesList.txt", "ListeDesNoms.txt", NULL };
static char *nameslistlocs[] = {
" (latin base char set)"
" (charset=UTF-8)"

Expand Down
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ AC_PREREQ([2.64])
# PackageTimestamp, major version, minor version, and Nameslist.txt version
# Libraries have a "package" version of the form major.minor.micro.
m4_define([uninameslist_package_stamp], [20211114]) dnl yyyymmdd
m4_define([uninameslist_package_stamp], [20220701]) dnl yyyymmdd
m4_define([uninameslist_major_version], [14]) dnl Nameslist.txt
m4_define([uninameslist_minor_version], [0])
m4_define([uninameslist_minor_version], [9])
m4_define([uninameslist_nameslist_ver], [uninameslist_major_version.uninameslist_minor_version])
# Libraries have a "libtool" version of the form current:revision:age.
m4_define([uninameslist_current], [1])
m4_define([uninameslist_age], [0])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ AC_PROG_MAKE_SET

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,10 +227,18 @@ AC_SUBST([WUNLIB])

# Ensure fresh timestamps if run ./configure
echo 'const char NL_VERSION[[]] = "uninameslist_nameslist_ver";' > buildnameslist.h
echo 'const char NFR_VERSION[[]] = "uninameslist_fr_nameslist_ver";' >> buildnameslist.h
echo 'const char NL_VERSION[[]] = "Nameslist-Version: uninameslist_nameslist_ver";' > tests/call-test.h
echo 'const char NFR_VERSION[[]] = "Nameslist-Version: uninameslist_fr_nameslist_ver";' >> tests/call-test.h
echo 'const char NL_VERSION[[]] = "uninameslist_nameslist_ver";' > $(srcdir)/buildnameslist.h
echo 'const char NFR_VERSION[[]] = "uninameslist_fr_nameslist_ver";' >> $(srcdir)/buildnameslist.h
echo 'const char NL_VERSION[[]] = "Nameslist-Version: uninameslist_nameslist_ver";' > $(srcdir)/tests/call-test.h
echo 'const char NFR_VERSION[[]] = "Nameslist-Version: uninameslist_fr_nameslist_ver";' >> $(srcdir)/tests/call-test.h

# We need to ensure the libuninameslist core
# library is always built whenever we modify
# parameters by running ./configure anything
# Example: with/without "--enable-frenchlib"
# So we touch nameslist.c to make it recent.
${TOUCH} $(srcdir)/nameslist.c

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