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Quote driver

Alex Bramley edited this page Jan 2, 2012 · 1 revision

The quote driver implements quote storage and retrieval.


All the quote driver's commands require the bot to be addressed by nick. This means starting the line typed to the channel with the bot's nick, followed by any of : ; , > - and optional trailing spaces.

Adding quotes

Quotes can be added in three ways:

botNick: qadd <quote>
botNick: quote add <quote>
botNick: add quote <quote>


<user1> sp0rkle: qadd [13:37] <user2> DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS!
<sp0rkle> user1: Quote added successfully, id #1337.

Removing quotes

Quotes are deleted by quote ID in the same way they're added; the # in the quote ID is optional:

botNick: qdel <qid>
botNick: quote del <qid>
botNick: del quote <qid>


<user2> no wai!
<user2> sp0rkle: qdel #1337
<sp0rkle> user2: I forgot quote #1337: [13:37] <user2> DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS!

Retrieving quotes by ID

A specific quote may be looked up by it's ID; the # is not optional in this case:

botNick: quote #<qid>


<user1> sp0rkle: quote #1024
<sp0rkle> #1024: [10:24] <user2> My momma's so fat :(

Retrieving quotes

Quotes may also be retrieved at random, with an optional case-insensitive regular expression that the quote should match:

botNick: quote <regex>
botNick: quote


<user1> sp0rkle: quote fat
<sp0rkle> #1024: [10:24] <user2> My momma's so fat :(
<user1> sp0rkle: quote
<sp0rkle> #256: [02:56] <user2> Why am I in #asspounders?

Plugin Syntax

The quote driver also provides plugin functionality for the factoid driver, allowing you to embed quotes in factoid results. To do this, add a factoid containing a <plugin=quote> directive:

botNick: quote fact := <plugin=quote>
botNick: quote fact := <plugin=quote #quote ID>
botNick: quote fact := <plugin=quote regex>
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