- Win 7+
- O$ 4.3.X Non-Unicode
- Visual Studio 2013 (Express)
- Omnis Externals SDK for O$ 4.3.X
- CEF3 for Windows 32-bit branch 2454 based on Chromium 45
- CMake
- Unpack the CEF downloads.
- Set environment variables:
or similar. This must be the directory containingREADME.txt
=C:\Program Files (x86)\TigerLogic\OS4321\xcomp
or similarOMNIS_SDK_ROOT
or similar
- Build the CEF wrapper:
- Install CMake if necessary.
- Open a command prompt and enter
cd %CEF_ROOT% && cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" .
- Open the generated
solution in Visual Studio 2013. - Build for both Release and Debug configurations. Either build the entire solution, or just right-click build the
Note: Visual Studio must be run as administrator before opening cef-omnis-xcomp.sln
. This is so that the post-build events can install into OMNIS_XCOMP_ROOT
The following interface is available from within Omnis on the XCOMP.
A flag to control whether right-click context menus are enabled (defaults to
A flag to control whether javascript
messages are written to the Omnis trace log (defaults totrue
The location where cache data will be stored on disk. If empty then browsers will be created in incognito mode where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is specified. Must be set only before the first call to navigateToUrl.
Navigate to the given URL.
URLs are supported.
, $historyForward()
Equivalent to hitting the browser back or forward button respectively.
$sendCustomEvent(pName, pValue)
Send a custom event to a javascript callback function which must have been registered under the same name with
(see below). For more details see the "Event Demo" indemo.lbs
CustomEvent(pName[, pParam1, pParam2, ..., pParam9])
A custom event from javascript (see
below). Example:
On evCustomEvent
Switch pName
Case 'myCustomEvent'
Send to trace log {[con('Received myCustomEvent. param = ', pParam1)]}
Do $cfield.$sendCustomEvent('customResponse', 'Received myCustomEvent in Omnis.')
Break to end of switch
Case 'close'
Do $cinst.$close()
Break to end of switch
End Switch
LoadingStateChange(pIsLoading, pCanGoBack, pCanGoForward)
One of the indicated flags has changed:
- whether the page is currently loading.pCanGoBack
- whether the browser back history button should be enabled.pCanGoForward
- whether the browser forward history button should be enabled.
The page has started to load.
The page has finished loading with the given HTTP status code.
LoadError(pStatusCode, pErrorMsg, pUrl)
The given URL failed to load with the given error.
DownloadUpdate(pId, pIsComplete, pIsCanceled, pReceivedBytes, pTotalBytes, pCurrentSpeed, pFullPath)
The given file is downloading, or has finished downloading.
- the integer download identifier.pIsComplete
- flag to indicate successful completion.pIsCanceled
- flag to indicate user cancellation of the download.pReceivedBytes
- the number of bytes downloaded.pTotalBytes
- the total number of bytes in the download (if known).pCurrentSpeed
- a simple speed estimate in bytes/s.pFullPath
- the full path to the download file.
On evDownloadUpdate
If pIsComplete
Send to trace log {[con('Download complete: ', pFullPath)]}
OK message Download (Icon,Sound bell) {Download complete: [pFullPath]}
Send to trace log {[con('Downloading ', pFullPath, ' [',rnd(100*pReceivedBytes/pTotalBytes,1), '%] ', pCurrentSpeed, 'B/s')]}
End If
The browser title has changed.
The given URL was navigated to.
The browser took the keyboard focus. The event should be handled with:
Queue set current field {[$cinst]}
The following interface is available in javascript on the global omnis
omnis.showMsg(message[, bell, type])
Show a message box dialog in Omnis studio.
- the message string to displaybell
- determines whether the system bell will sound (defaults totrue
- must be one of:omnis.MSGBOX_OK
(the default)omnis.MSGBOXICON_YESNO
Write the given message to the tracelog. If multiple arguments are provided they are joined with spaces. Example:
omnis.traceLog('pi =', Math.PI);
omnis.customEvent(name[, ...])
Generates a
event with the given name and parameters. Up to 9 parameters may be provided. Example:
omnis.customEvent('myCustomEvent', Math.PI);
omnis.setEventCallback(name, callback)
Register the given callback function for custom events from Omnis with the given name. When Omnis calls
with this name, the callback will be invoked with a message string argument. Example:
// set a callback for the custom event name 'customResponse'.
omnis.setEventCallback('customResponse', function(message) {
console.log('Received "%s" from Omnis!', message);
Unregister the event callback function for the given custom event name.