The warehouse of the plug -in in order to solve the plug -in in order to solve the KICAD built -in function defect
** Free angle differences pair / free angle differential pair generator **
- Waiting for feedback / waiting ...
How to use
- Plug -in strictly requires input line segments: The selected differential pair must be parallel parallel, the selected single -end line must be completely continuous (unique fold line).
- Select a section or multiple single -end line connected to one of the differential pairs to the differential pair,
- The use of a plug -in will generate another differential line on the other side of the single -end line.
- This plug-in is only designed for normal line segments, only meets normal needs, and is still in the testing stage.
How to use
- The plug-in strictly requires the input tracks: The Selected Differential Pairness Be Sufficiently Parallel, and The SelectEd Single-ended Tracks Must Be coming Pletely Continuous (Unique Polyline).
- Select A Difference;
- using the plug-in will generate the Other Side Differential Tracks Based on the Single-Ended Tracks.
- This plug-in is only designed for normal layout, only normal requirements, and is strong in the testing stage.
Effect Reference/Demo
Basic demonstration / Example1
- Enter the basic model of the line / input (tracks) output (new+adjust) application
- The selected area has differential pairs on both ends / differential pairs on both ends
- Only the header of the selected area has a differential pair / only one differential pair
Adjust the demonstration / example2
- Merge Line Input Model / Input (Tracks) Output (Adjust) Application Application
- Merge two differential pairs / merge two differential pairs