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Excalibur v0.30.0 Release

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@eonarheim eonarheim released this 13 Dec 03:49
· 77 commits to main since this release

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This is one of the biggest releases of Excalibur yet! Huge thanks to all the new contributors and everyone that assisted in the discord.

Special thanks @jyoung4242, @mattjennings, @cdelstad, @kamranayub, Drew Conley, and @jedeen for being constant support and help for the project and the entire community!

New Contributors


  • Added ex.SpriteSheet.getTiledSprite(...) to help pulling tiling sprites out of a sprite sheet
  • Alias the engine.screen.drawWidth/drawHeight with engine.screen.width/height;
  • Added convenience types ex.TiledSprite and ex.TiledAnimation for Tiling Sprites and Animations
    const tiledGroundSprite = new ex.TiledSprite({
      image: groundImage,
      width: game.screen.width,
      height: 200,
      wrapping: {
        x: ex.ImageWrapping.Repeat,
        y: ex.ImageWrapping.Clamp
    const tilingAnimation = new ex.TiledAnimation({
      animation: cardAnimation,
      sourceView: {x: 20, y: 20},
      width: 200,
      height: 200,
      wrapping: ex.ImageWrapping.Repeat
  • Added new static builder for making images from canvases ex.ImageSource.fromHtmlCanvasElement(image: HTMLCanvasElement, options?: ImageSourceOptions)
  • Added GPU particle implementation for MANY MANY particles in the simulation, similar to the existing CPU particle implementation. Note maxParticles is new for GPU particles.
    var particles = new ex.GpuParticleEmitter({
      pos: ex.vec(300, 500),
      maxParticles: 10_000,
      emitRate: 1000,
      radius: 100,
      emitterType: ex.EmitterType.Circle,
      particle: {
        beginColor: ex.Color.Orange,
        endColor: ex.Color.Purple,
        focus: ex.vec(0, -400),
        focusAccel: 1000,
        startSize: 100,
        endSize: 0,
        life: 3000,
        minSpeed: -100,
        maxSpeed: 100,
        angularVelocity: 2,
        randomRotation: true,
        transform: ex.ParticleTransform.Local
  • Added ex.assert() that can be used to throw in development builds
  • Added easing option to moveTo(...)
  • Added new option bag style input to actions with durations in milliseconds instead of speed
    player.actions.rotateTo({angleRadians: angle, duration: 1000, rotationType});
    player.actions.moveTo({pos: ex.vec(100, 100), duration: 1000});
    player.actions.scaleTo({scale: ex.vec(2, 2), duration: 1000});
    player.actions.repeatForever(ctx => {
        controlPoints: [cp1, cp2, dest],
        duration: 5000,
        mode: 'uniform'
        controlPoints: [cp2, cp1, start1],
        duration: 5000,
        mode: 'uniform'
  • Added ex.lerpAngle(startAngleRadians: number, endAngleRadians: number, rotationType: RotationType, time: number): number in order to lerp angles between each other
  • Added pointerenter and pointerleave events to ex.TileMap tiles!
  • Added pointerenter and pointerleave events to ex.IsometricMap tiles!
  • Added new ex.BezierCurve type for drawing cubic bezier curves
  • Added 2 new actions actor.actions.curveTo(...) and actor.actions.curveBy(...)
  • Added new ex.lerp(...), ex.inverseLerp(...), and ex.remap(...) for numbers
  • Added new ex.lerpVector(...), ex.inverseLerpVector(...), and ex.remapVector(...) for ex.Vector
  • Added new actor.actions.flash(...) Action to flash a color for a period of time
  • Added a new ex.NineSlice Graphic for creating arbitrarily resizable rectangular regions, useful for creating UI, backgrounds, and other resizable elements.
    var nineSlice = new ex.NineSlice({
      width: 300,
      height: 100,
      source: inputTile,
      sourceConfig: {
        width: 64,
        height: 64,
        topMargin: 5,
        leftMargin: 7,
        bottomMargin: 5,
        rightMargin: 7
      destinationConfig: {
        drawCenter: true,
        horizontalStretch: ex.NineSliceStretch.Stretch,
        verticalStretch: ex.NineSliceStretch.Stretch
  • Added a method to force graphics on screen ex.GraphicsComponent.forceOnScreen
  • Added new ex.Slide scene transition, which can slide a screen shot of the current screen: up, down, left, or right. Optionally you can add an ex.EasingFunction, by default ex.EasingFunctions.Linear
    game.goToScene('otherScene', {
      destinationIn: new ex.Slide({
        duration: 1000,
        easingFunction: ex.EasingFunctions.EaseInOutCubic,
        slideDirection: 'up'
  • Added inline SVG image support ex.ImageSource.fromSvgString('<svg>...</svg>'), note images produced this way still must be loaded.
  • Added ability to optionally specify sprite options in the .toSprite(options:? SpriteOptions)
  • The ex.Engine constructor had a new enableCanvasContextMenu arg that can be used to enable the right click context menu, by default the context menu is disabled which is what most games seem to want.
  • Child ex.Actor inherits opacity of parents
  • ex.Engine.timeScale values of 0 are now supported
  • ex.Trigger now supports all valid actor constructor parameters from ex.ActorArgs in addition to ex.TriggerOptions
  • ex.Gif can now handle default embedded GIF frame timings
  • New ex.Screen.worldToPagePixelRatio API that will return the ratio between excalibur pixels and the HTML pixels.
    • Additionally excalibur will now decorate the document root with this same value as a CSS variable --ex-pixel-ratio
    • Useful for scaling HTML UIs to match your game
      .ui-container {
        pointer-events: none;
        position: absolute;
        transform-origin: 0 0;
        transform: scale(
  • New updates to ex.coroutine(...)
    • New ex.CoroutineInstance is returned (still awaitable)
    • Control coroutine autostart with ex.coroutine(function*(){...}, {autostart: false})
    • .start() and .cancel() coroutines
    • Nested coroutines!
  • Excalibur will now clean up WebGL textures that have not been drawn in a while, which improves stability for long game sessions
    • If a graphic is drawn again it will be reloaded into the GPU seamlessly
  • You can now query for colliders on the physics world
      const scene = ...;
      const colliders = scene.physics.query(ex.BoundingBox.fromDimensions(...));
  • actor.oldGlobalPos returns the globalPosition from the previous frame
  • create development builds of excalibur that bundlers can use in dev mode
  • show warning in development when Entity hasn't been added to a scene after a few seconds
  • New RentalPool type for sparse object pooling
  • New ex.SparseHashGridCollisionProcessor which is a simpler (and faster) implementation for broadphase pair generation. This works by bucketing colliders into uniform sized square buckets and using that to generate pairs.
  • CollisionContact can be biased toward a collider by using contact.bias(collider). This adjusts the contact so that the given collider is colliderA, and is helpful if you
    are doing mtv adjustments during precollision.
  • angleBetween medhod added to Vector class, to find the angle for which a vector needs to be rotated to match some given angle:
      const point = vec(100, 100)
      const destinationDirection = Math.PI / 4
      const angleToRotate = point.angleBetween(destinationDirection, RotationType.ShortestPath)


  • Fixed issue where ex.ParticleEmitter.clearParticles() did not work
  • Fixed issue where the pointer lastWorldPos was not updated when the current Camera moved
  • Fixed issue where cancel()'d events still bubbled to the top level input handlers
  • Fixed issue where unexpected html HTML content from an image would silently hang the loader
  • Fixed issue where Collision events ahd inconsistent targets, sometimes they were Colliders and sometimes they were Entities
  • Fixed issue where ex.Engine.screenshot() images may not yet be loaded in time for use in ex.Transitions
  • Fixed issue where there would be an incorrect background color for 1 frame when transitioning to a new scene
  • Fixed issue where blockInput: true on scene transition only blocked input events, not accessors like wasHeld(...) etc.
  • Fixed issue where users could not easily define a custom RendererPlugin because the type was not exposed
  • Fixed issue where ex.Fade sometimes would not complete depending on the elapsed time
  • Fixed issue where ex.PolygonColliders would get trapped in infinite loop for degenerate polygons (< 3 vertices)
  • Fixed issue where certain devices that support large numbers of texture slots exhaust the maximum number of if statements (complexity) in the shader.
  • Fixed issue where ex.Label where setting the opacity of caused a multiplicative opacity effect when actor opacity set
  • Fixed issue where the ex.Loader would have a low res logo on small configured resolution sizes
  • Fixed issue where ex.Gif was not parsing certain binary formats correctly
  • Fixed issue where the boot ex.Loader was removing pixelRatio override
  • Fixed ex.RasterOptions, it now extends ex.GraphicsOptions which is the underlying truth
  • Fixed issue where rayCast filter would not be called in hit order
  • Fixed issue where rayCasts would return inconsistent orderings with the ex.SparseHashGridCollisionProcessor strategy
  • Fixed issue where CircleCollider tangent raycast did not work correctly
  • Fixed issue where you were required to provide a transition if you provided a loader in the ex.Engine.start('scene', { loader })
  • Fixed issue where ex.Scene.onPreLoad(loader: ex.DefaultLoader) would lock up the engine if there was an empty loader
  • Fixed issue where ex.Scene scoped input events would preserve state and get stuck causing issues when switching back to the original scene.
  • Fixed issue where not all physical keys from the spec were present in ex.Keys including the reported ex.Keys.Tab
  • Fixed invalid graphics types around ex.Graphic.tint
  • improve types to disallow invalid combo of collider/width/height/radius in actor args
  • only add default color graphic for the respective collider used
  • Fixed issue where ex.SpriteFont did not respect scale when measuring text
  • Fixed issue where negative transforms would cause collision issues because polygon winding would change.
  • Fixed issue where removing and re-adding an actor would cause subsequent children added not to function properly with regards to their parent/child transforms
  • Fixed issue where ex.GraphicsSystem would crash if a parent entity did not have a ex.TransformComponent
  • Fixed a bug in the new physics config merging, and re-arranged to better match the existing pattern
  • Fixed a bug in canonicalizeAngle, don't allow the result to be 2PI, now it will be in semi-open range [0..2PI)
  • Removed circular dependency between Actions and Math packages by moving RotationType into Math package.


  • Remove units by default from parameters

  • Perf improve PolygonCollider.contains(...) perf by keeping geometry tests in local space.

  • Perf improvement to image rendering! with ImageRendererV2! Roughly doubles the performance of image rendering

  • Perf improvement to retrieving components with ex.Entity.get() which widely improves engine performance

  • Non-breaking parameters that reference delta to elapsedMs to better communicate intent and units

  • Perf improvements to ex.ParticleEmitter

    • Use the same integrator as the MotionSystem in the tight loop
    • Leverage object pools to increase performance and reduce allocations
  • Perf improvements to collision narrowphase and solver steps

    • Working in the local polygon space as much as possible speeds things up
    • Add another pair filtering condition on the SparseHashGridCollisionProcessor which reduces pairs passed to narrowphase
    • Switching to c-style loops where possible
    • Caching get component calls
    • Removing allocations where it makes sense
  • Perf Side.fromDirection(direction: Vector): Side - thanks @ikudrickiy!

  • Perf improvements to PointerSystem by using new spatial hash grid data structure

  • Perf improvements: Hot path allocations

    • Reduce State/Transform stack hot path allocations in graphics context
    • Reduce Transform allocations
    • Reduce AffineMatrix allocations
  • Perf improvements to CircleCollider bounds calculations

  • Switch from iterators to c-style loops which bring more speed

    • Entity component iteration
    • EntityManager iteration
    • EventEmitters
    • GraphicsSystem entity iteration
    • PointerSystem entity iteration
  • Perf improvements to GraphicsGroup by reducing per draw allocations in bounds calculations

  • Applied increased TS strictness:

    • Director API subtree
    • Resource API subtree
    • Graphics API subtree
    • TileMap API subtree

Breaking Changes

  • ex.Engine.goto(...) removed, use ex.Engine.goToScene(...)
  • removed, use ex.GraphicsComponent.use(...)
  • ex.EventDispatcher removed, use ex.EventEmitter instead.
  • ex.Engine.getAntialiasing() and ex.Engine.setAntialiasing(bool) have been removed, use the engine constructor parameter to configure new ex.Engine({antialiasing: true}) or set on the screen engine.screen.antialiasing = true
  • ex.Physics.* configuration statics removed, use the engine constructor parameter to configure new ex.Engine({physics: ...})
  • ex.Input.* namespace removed and types promoted to ex.*
  • Removed legacy ex.Configurable function type used for doing dark magic to allow types to be configured by instances of that same type 💥
  • Collision events now only target ex.Collider types, this previously would sometimes emit an ex.Entity if you attached to the ex.ColliderComponent
    • ex.PreCollisionEvent
    • ex.PostCollisionEvent
    • ex.ContactStartEvent
    • ex.ContactEndEvent
    • ex.CollisionPreSolveEvent
    • ex.CollisionPostSolveEvent
    • ex.CollisionStartEvent
    • ex.CollisionEndEvent
  • System.priority is refactored to be static.
  • ex.Timer now only takes the option bag constructor
  • PreDrawEvent, PostDrawEvent, PreTransformDrawEvent, PostTransformDrawEvent, PreUpdateEvent, PostUpdateEvent now use elapsedMs instead of delta for the elapsed milliseconds between the last frame.460696
  • Trigger API has been slightly changed:
    • action now returns the triggering entity: (entity: Entity) => void
    • target now works in conjunction with filter instead of overwriting it.
    • EnterTriggerEvent and ExitTriggerEvent now contain a entity: Entity property instead of actor: Actor
  • ex.Vector.normalize() return zero-vector ((0,0)) instead of (0,1) when normalizing a vector with a magnitude of 0
  • ex.Gif transparent color constructor arg is removed in favor of the built in Gif file mechanism
  • Remove core-js dependency, it is no longer necessary in modern browsers. Technically a breaking change for older browsers
  • ex.Particle and ex.ParticleEmitter now have an API that looks like modern Excalibur APIs
    • particleSprite is renamed to graphic
    • particleRotationalVelocity is renamed to angularVelocity
    • fadeFlag is renamed to fade
    • acceleration is renamed to acc
    • particleLife is renamed to life
    • minVel is renamed to minSpeed
    • maxVel is renamed to maxSpeed
    • ParticleEmitter now takes a separate particle: ParticleConfig parameter to disambiguate between particles parameters and emitter ones
      const emitter =  new ex.ParticleEmitter({
          width: 10,
          height: 10,
          radius: 5,
          emitterType: ex.EmitterType.Rectangle,
          emitRate: 300,
          isEmitting: true,
          particle: {
            transform: ex.ParticleTransform.Global,
            opacity: 0.5,
            life: 1000,
            acc: ex.vec(10, 80),
            beginColor: ex.Color.Chartreuse,
            endColor: ex.Color.Magenta,
            startSize: 5,
            endSize: 100,
            minVel: 100,
            maxVel: 200,
            minAngle: 5.1,
            maxAngle: 6.2,
            fade: true,
            maxSize: 10,
            graphic: swordImg.toSprite(),
            randomRotation: true,
            minSize: 1
Raw Changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.29.3...v0.30.0