Hibiki v3.3.3 - 3/5/2021
Feature Changes
Updated the invite link to require more permissions by default. You can edit this, but the inviteLogger may be slightly inaccurate at times if you do.
Guild info no longer will show bot amount. This is due to Discord intents + caching making it always inaccurate.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in which the pinboard doesn't respect guildconfig options
Fixed a bug in which the invite regex would detect any URL as an invite
Fixed a bug in which the music player didn't account for voice presence
Fixed a bug in which the guild command returned the incorrect amount of members
Fixed a bug in which user's current time wouldn't display on their profile
Fixed a bug in which the invite used data may return inaccurate data
Fixed a bug in which msgOnPunish would fail to send an embed
Fixed a bug in which reminders failed to send at times
Fixed a bug in which askYesNo wouldn't account for locales
Refactored all events and loggers to use switch cases instead of if/else
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