Generator and solver algorithm repertoire for the Japanese logic puzzle Hashiwokakero - aka Hashi - created by Nikoli.
The project is still being worked on, check issues and milestones for the process.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 license.
Main purpose is to provide a free and open-source software for puzzle enthusiasts. Feel free to use the source code. Referring to the repository would be very much appreciated.
The project is written in Python 3.11.6, although should work on any Python Interpreter above 3.5.x.
Apart from built-in packages, only third party package is PyGame 2.5.2 with SDL 2.28.2.
For easy setup, create a python virtual environment and run:
make init
Mass puzzle generation scrips are currently being worked on, see ISSUE#3.
You can easily clone or fork the project, see below to find how to use source scripts.
Simplyfied rules from Wikipedia.
Played in rectangular grid. Encircled cells are islands numbers from 1 to 8 inclusive. The rest of the cells are empty.
The goal is to connect all of the islands by drawing a series of bridges between the islands.
The bridges must follow certain criteria:
- All islands must be connected.
- Bridged cannot cross.
- Bridges are only established orthogonally, never diagonally.
- At most two bridges connect a pair of islands.
- An island must hold bridges that mathces it's own number.
Plot-twist is that there may not be only 1 solution. Sometimes the structure of the board allows to have 2 different ways to go and still fulfill all the rules.

Full Grid: A grid that satisfies given w and h dimensions and has no empty edges.
Cycle Step: Iteration count of the generator algorithm. Since generation is random, it may not reach that iteration count. Still is important if the user wants to stop generating at some point
Max Puzzle: A puzzle which cannot be extended anymore, which has no node that could potentially have another bridge in an empty direction.
Completed Grid: A grid that is completely solved.
Solving by Rules: Solving the puzzle by using the rules of the game, without any brute force method.
Solving by Brute Force: Solving the puzzle by trying all possible combinations of bridges. This method is used after solving by rules method is tried but the puzzle is still not completed. This occures because of the nature of Hashi, sometimes there could be more than 1 way to go and the rules are not enough to solve the puzzle.
Will be written soon...
Will be written soon...
Will be written soon...