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Nomicon is an Ink runtime for Lua, especially LÖVE (though LÖVE is not a requirement). Compile your script with Inklecate and run it with the easy to use Nomicon API!

Getting Started

Add the nomicon folder to your project... somewhere. Run your story like so:

local json = require "json" -- for example, see
local Nomicon = require "nomicon"

local book = json.decode("demo.json"))
local story = Nomicon.Story(book)
local choices = Nomicon.ChoiceList(story)

while story:canContinue() do
  local text = story:continue()

  if choices:hasChoices() then
    for i = 1, choices:getChoiceCount() do
      local choice = choices:getChoice(i)
      print(string.format("%d. %s", i, choice:getText()))

    local choiceIndex
      io.write("> ")

      local input =
      choiceIndex = tonumber(input)

      if not choiceIndex then
        print("Please enter a choice number.")
      elseif not (choiceIndex >= 1 and choiceIndex <= choices:getChoiceCount()) then
        print(string.format("Please enter a choice from 1 through %d.", choices:getChoiceCount()))
    until choiceIndex and choiceIndex >= 1 and choiceIndex <= choices:getChoiceCount()


print("The End.")

See the API documentation in the source or README for more info.



  • Nomicon.Story(book, defaultGlobalVariables = {}): Construct a new Nomicon.Story instance with the provided book JSON marshalled to a Lua table. defaultGlobalVariables overrides global variables initialized in the Ink script - use with care!

  • Nomicon.Story:getGlobalVariable(variableName, marshal = true): Gets the current value of a global variable. If marshal is false (it defaults to true), then the underlying Nomicon.impl.Value will be returned; otherwise, the direct value will be returned. Nomicon.impl.Value is read-only and a reference is only valid until the next Nomicon.Story:setGlobalVariable with that variable name. So clone it if you want to keep it around.

  • Nomicon.Story:setGlobalVariable(variableName, value): Sets a global variable. Any global variable listeners will not be fired.

  • Nomicon.Story:listenForGlobalVariable(variableName, func, marshal = true, ...): Listens for a change on the global variable variableName. func will be called differently depending on the value for variableName. All extra parameters will be passed in as the first parameters to func using magic. If func returns a value, it will be marshalled to a valid Ink value (or error on failure). If marshal is false, the underlying Nomicon.impl.Value objects will be provided. Like with Nomicon.Story:getGlobalVariable(), these values are only valid during the function call. Clone them if you want to keep them around! Multiple listeners can be attached, but only the return value of the last listener registered will be used to override a variable assignment.

    • If variableName was "*", then func will be called like: func(..., variableName, currentValue, previousValue)
    • If variableName was not "*", then func will be called like this: func(..., currentName, previousValue).
  • Nomicon.Story:silenceGlobalVariableListener(variableName, func): Silences the global variable listener func for variableName. If func is true, then all listeners will be silenced for variableName.

  • Nomicon.Story:hasExternalFunction(name): Returns true if an external function with name name has been registered; false otherwise.

  • Nomicon.Story:freeExternalFunction(name): Removes the external function with name. If it is called by the code, the game will silently return Value.VOID which may have unforeseen consequences.

  • Nomicon.Story:bindExternalFunc(name, func, marshal = true, ...): If an external function with name has yet to be bound, then this will bind func to name. Like the global variable listeners, all extra values will be passed first to func followed by the arguments provided by the script. If marshal is true (the default), then these values will be marshalled from Nomicon.impl.Value; otherwise, they will not. The arguments, if they are Nomicon.impl.Value, are only valid until the function returns, so if you store them as un-marshalled values, clone them!

  • Nomicon.Story:canContinue(): Returns true if the story can continue; false otherwise.

  • Nomicon.Story:continue(yield = false): Continues the story. Returns the current line of text and the tags associated with the that line of text. If yield is true, then the story will yield nothing after each "step" (execution cycle: get next instruction, advance pointer, check if done). Until this method returns, any mutations on Nomicon.Story are not allowed. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

    • Setting a global variable or listening for a global variable.
    • Binding an external function or freeing an external function.
    • Create a new flow, switching the current flow, or freeing a flow.
    • Making a choice or choosing a new path.
    • Calling a function.
  • Nomicon.Story:hasChoices(): Returns true if there is at least one choice available, false otherwise. This includes unselectable choices. If you only want to manage visible and selectable choices, see Nomicon.ChoiceList.

  • Nomicon.Story:getChoice(index): Returns the choice at the provided index. This will be a Nomicon.impl.Choice, which is lower-levelled than Nomicon.Choice and exposes some intrinsic, internal state about the choice.

  • Nomicon.Story:getTagCount(): Returns the number of tags associated with the last line of text.

  • Nomicon.Story:getTag(index): Returns the tag at the provided index. Negative values will wrap, so passing in -1 will return the last tag.

  • Nomicon.Story:getGlobalTagCount(): Returns the number of global tags associated with the story.

  • Nomicon.Story:getGlobalTag(index): Returns the global tag at the provided index. Like getTag, negative values wrap.

  • Nomicon.Story:getTags(path): Returns an array of the tags that start prior to content at path. This runs in a separate flow (see below) so the current execution state isn't affected.

  • Nomicon.Story:choose(option, ...): Increments the turn count and switches to the knot/container at option (if the argument is a string) or chooses a specific choice (if the argument is a Nomicon.impl.Choice). Any extra arguments are passed are passed onto the stack to the knot.

  • Nomicon.Story:call(func, marshal = true, yield = false, ...): Calls func with ... args. Returns the content, tags, and any return values (will probably be one, but who knows in the future...). The call is executed in a temporary flow independent of the current flow for safety. If func errors, this flow will safely be disposed of and then the error will bubble up. Values will be marshalled from Nomicon.impl.Value if marshal is true; if not, they will be returned untouched. Keep in mind these unmarshalled values are only valid until the next method that modifies the story state in any way - so clone them if you want to keep them around! yield makes this function yield at each instruction cycle while executing the function.

  • Nomicon.Story:getTurnCount(): Returns the current turn count of the story. Turn count increments with every action or call to Nomicon.Story:choose.


Flows are mostly independent executions of the story. Only global variables, turn/visit counts, external functions, and RNG are shared.

  • Nomicon.Story:newFlow(name): Creates a new flow with the given name but does not switch to it. Returns true if the flow was successfully created (i.e., name was not used or "default"), false otherwise.

  • Nomicon.Story:deleteFlow(name): Deletes a flow with the given name. The "default" flow cannot be deleted. If this flow is the current flow, will switch back to the default flow. Returns true if the flow was deleted (i.e., name was not used or "default"), false otherwise.

  • Nomicon.Story:hasFlow(name): Returns true if there is a flow with the given name.

  • Nomicon.Story:flows(): Returns an iterator over the order (index) and name of the flows. The order (index) has no functional effect; it just represents the order the flow was created relative to each other flow.

  • Nomicon.Story:getCurrentFlowName(): Returns the current flow's name.

Nomicon.ChoiceList / Nomicon.Choice

Generally you should use the Nomicon.ChoiceList API over directly querying the Nomicon.Story. You'd only want to use Nomicon.Story's choices if you want them to be visible (i.e., greyed out) when unselectable.

  • Nomicon.ChoiceList(story): Constructs a new ChoiceList. The choices will automatically update with every update to the Nomicon.Story, even with flow switches, etc.

  • Nomicon.ChoiceList:hasChoices(): Returns true if there is at least one selectable and visible option.

  • Nomicon.ChoiceList:getChoiceCount(): Returns the count of visible and selectable choices.

  • Nomicon.ChoiceList:getChoice(index): Returns the Nomicon.Choice (not to be confused with Nomicon.impl.Choice) at the index. Negative values wrap around, so -1 would return the last selectable and visible choice.


This is a light-weight wrapper over Nomicon.impl.Choice.

  • Nomicon.Choice:getIndex(): Returns the index into the parent Nomicon.ChoiceList (not the same as the index into the Nomicon.Story getChoiceCount()/getChoice() methods!).

  • Nomicon.Choice:choose(): Chooses this choice. Internally calls Nomicon.Story:choose() with the Nomicon.impl.Choice this wraps.

  • Nomicon.Choice:getText(): Returns the visible text of the choice.

  • Nomicon.Choice:getTagCount(): Returns the tag count.

  • Nomicon.Choice:getTag(index): Gets the tag at the provided index. Like everything else, a negative value wraps, so -1 returns the last tag.

Advanced API

  • Nomicon.Story:getListDefinitions(): Gets the list definitions interface. This allows you to programmatically create lists at runtime, e.g. via external functions or setting global variables. See documentation in nomicon/impl/ListDefinitions.lua.

  • Nomicon.Story:setRandom(setSeedFunc, getSeedFunc, random): Override the default RNG. Nomicon will use LÖVE's RNG internally if available with the default seed. setSeedFunc takes a number and sets the seed; getSeedFunc returns the current seed that can be set in setSeedFunc; and random takes min and max and returns a number from [min, max].

  • Nomicon.Story:setRandomSeed(seed): Sets the random seed of the RNG.

  • Nomicon.Story:getRandomSeed(): Returns the current random seed from the RNG.

  • Nomicon.Story:random(min, max): Returns a random integer (inclusive) between min and max.


This project is licensed under the MPL. View LICENSE in the root directory or visit for the terms.


Ink JSON interpreter for Lua/LÖVE.







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