Create an EC2 instance using the Ubuntu AMI on AWS. Make sure to have port 8080 open in the security group, as OpenFaaS listens on port 8080. Run the following commands to set up OpenFaaS:
# SSH into your machine:
$ ssh -i KeyPair.pem ubuntu@<your EC2 instance Public DNS>
# Setup Docker
~ $ sudo apt-get update
~ $ curl -sSL | sudo sh
~ $ sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu
# Log out and log back in (You are using SSH, so cut the connection and re-connect)
# Initialize docker swarm
~ $ docker swarm init
# Deploy OpenFaaS on the EC2 instance
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd faas
# Edit docker-compose.yml to add the 'read_timeout: 65' and 'write_timeout: 65' environment variables to the gateway
# Once done, it should look like:
~/faas-cli $ git diff docker-compose.yml
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 9d91cff..cfcde24 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ services:
- functions
dnsrr: "true" # Temporarily use dnsrr in place of VIP while issue persists on PWD
+ read_timeout: 65 # seconds
+ write_timeout: 65 # seconds
# Finally, deploy the stack:
~/faas $ ./
# Install faas-cli
~ $ curl -sSL | sudo sh
~ $ faas-cli version
# Deploy the tg-youtubegif function
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd tg-youtubegif
~/tg-youtubegif $ faas-cli deploy -f tg-youtubegif.yml
$ curl localhost:8080/function/youtube-dl \
-d "" \
| curl -X POST localhost:8080/function/gif-maker --data-binary @- > yt.gif
Your gif will be in the "yt.gif" file. Enjoy