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Sketch and Canvas revamp ideas

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 4 revisions

Following some posts on Tom Graves blog and some tweets exchanged, I think it's time to start thinking about a Sketch/Canvas revamp.

The goal IMHO is to propose a solution to collect and organize the mess and help create (usefull) information from data.

As a starting point (yet to be detailed) here are some ideas:

  • Sketch and Canvas should be merged. In fact Canvas offer same features as Sketch with the addition of templates that can be saved and reuse for later need. I propose to keep the name "Sketch" as Canvas is one usage between others.
  • All notes/postit/pictures should be created using the current Canvas "Block" element which allows both text and image whose position can be specified (we should add a "fill" option).
  • We should be able to add a link to every notes/postit/pictures. This link can be a URL, a file...
  • We should be able to add any model element to a Sketch (currently only possible with views). This would allow to start working on architecture changes without having to comply with ArchiMate metamodel. We should not keep ArchiMate figure but just keep color and text, and allow to insert image (same as current Canvas "Block" element) on those model element (see below for justification).
  • We should add an option to create a Sketch as a copy from an ArchiMate view. This would allow to replace archimate figures with any pictures or icons. The main goal is to create "free" sketch for presentation to stakeholders.
  • We should add an option to create a sketch from a picture. This would show a "file open window" to select a picture which will be added in a note used as a background. The goal is to help importing real sketchs done on paper (or whiteboard) and scanned (for example with apps like CamScanner).
  • An alternative to picture import would be to be able to draw on screen. This would allow users of Windows or Linux based tablet to create sketch with stylet.
  • We should add some easy way to add notes and relations (e.g "double clic" create a new note...). This would allow user to create concept maps easily (like the very good CmapTools)
  • We should be able to create transparent Notes (i.e. Notes with no color). This would allow to create Notes in front of background image (e.g. real sketch) to create "mixed-media" Sketchs (start with paper, end with digital).