Multi-arch (x86_64/amd64 and aarch64/arm64) Docker image based on Amazon Linux 2023 for DevOps use cases on AWS, such as CI/CD pipelines and manual admininistration of EKS workloads, including interactive shell usage.
Includes the following components:
- Python 3.13
- Go 1.23
- Node.js 22
- AWS CDK and CDK8s
- Mountpoint for Amazon S3
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Docker CLI
- Dive and MinToolkit/Mint
- Kubectl and Krew
- kind and vCluster
- Helm
- Argo CD
As well as the following utilities:
- jq, jo, and yq
- jsonnet
- GNU Parallel
- Common Linux utilities:
(GNU gettext),sponge
/... (moreutils),bc
- Pygments
- Just
- Tini
Size is approximately 4 GB (too chubby, I know — see the To-Do section).
Images are available in the following repositories:
- Docker Hub:
- GitHub Container Registry:
Version information about the installed components can be found inside the Docker image at /root/.versions.json
The current "All-in-One" image is getting too bloated, so there's a need to create specialized versions, like a slimmed-down image just for CI/CD pipelines, and a separate image for launching ad-hoc containers for manual administration and debugging. It's also unlikely that a single CI/CD pipeline stage would need all language environments, as Python and Go are especially chubby.