A browser based Drum Sequencer to control your Raspberry Pi robotic drum machine from your computer, tablet, mobile etc.
See the Instructable on how to create your own drum machine and how to use this project, or take a look here for additional documentations. Links are from orginal creator of the PiBeat,
The PiBeat software is standard Angular app communicating with a Python backend using Web Sockets pn the Raspberry Pi. The Python server is found in server.py. Pi-Beat also a physical computing robot that plays real everyday items as drums.
Each student group receives a PiBeat kit that includes the following. Link to kit Student Kits - Part List
1 - Raspberry Pi
1 - MicroSD Card
1 - 5v 8 channel relay
1 - Pack of female to female jumper wires (10 wires needed)
2 - 3 Amp Terminal strips
1 - 12v 10a Power Supply
8 - 12v 2a Solenoids
8 - 1N5401 Rectifier diodes
1 - Female DC Power Connector
1 - Mini Screwdrivers
- 5 - MicroSD Card Reader
Download Raspberry Pi Imager Link
On SDcard install Raspberry Pi OS Legacy (Buster with Desktop Environment)
- In the Setting add the following:
- Set hostname [your group's name]
- Enable SSH
- setup username: pi password: pipi
- configure wireless lab: SSID: [ask professor] Password: [ask professor]
- Set local settings: New York
SSH into Pi, using Terminal(Mac) or CMD(Windows)
- Ask the professor for your IP address, by telling him what hostname you used.
- In Terminal/CMD type the following command:
ssh pi@[ip-address]
- You should receive:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
- type
- You should receive:
- type
(you will not see pipi on screen and the cursor will not move)
Enable VNC VNC will allow you to remotely see the desktop of your raspberry pi computer.
- In the Pi terminal type:
sudo raspi-config
- you will get a visual menu (Use the arrow keys and enter to navigate)
- Navigate to
interface options
, enableyes
- You will see a prompt stating "The VNC Server is enabled" press
- Go all the way down and select
- In the Pi terminal type:
Connect to Pi with VNC
- Download and install VNC Viewer on your computer. Link
- Open VNC Viewer
- In the top bar it will say:
Enter a VNC server Address
- Enter:
[your IP address]
- You will be asked again if you trust the connection. Press
- input Login:
, Password:pipi
You should now be able to see your Pi's desktop.
- In the top bar it will say:
- Welcome to Raspberry Pi,
- Next: Set the country to NY, USA,
- Change Password,
- Setup screen, just press
- Select Wifi Network: Skip
- Update software: Skip
- Setup complete: Done
Follow Directions here: Instructable - Pi Drum Machine
To run the server unzip the PiBeatServer-V2.tar file. Download, uncompress, install requirements, run server.
- Added additional python rythem scripts.
- Wire drum 1, and drum 2, to alternate pins if pins dont turn off.