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The enhavo CMS is a open source PHP project on top of the fullstack Symfony framework, to serve a very flexible software, that can handle most of complex data structure with a clean and usability interface.

Enhavo is still under heavy development and we can't guarantee for backward compatibility or security issues nor is our documentation up to date. So we advice you to not use the software for production until we reach a stable release.

Get started

If you just want to use enhavo, you don't need to install this repository. Read the Get Started tutorial to install your own enhavo application.


If you want to check the enhavo look and feel. Take a look at our demo on

User Password
[email protected] admin


Help us to develop the software. This is the main repository of the enhavo project. Feel free to open tickets or pull requests or just give us feedback. If you are a github user, you can star our project.

If you want to contribute code, you need to run the main repository. Make sure you have installed composer and yarn on your local machine. Fork and clone the repo and add a .env.local file containing your database credentials.

DATABASE_URL=mysql://db_user:[email protected]:3306/enhavo

And a test config .env.test.local containing your test database credentials.

DATABASE_URL=mysql://db_user:[email protected]:3306/enhavo_test

Execute following commands on your shell:

$ composer install
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test
$ bin/console enhavo:init
$ bin/console enhavo:user:create --super-admin

Make your changes and run the tests.

$ bin/phpunit
$ bin/behat
$ yarn test

Testing stack

Depending on what you are going to test, choose the right tool.

<----------------------------- Behat ---------------------------------------->
                    <----  PHPUnit ---->
                                        <------------- Vitest --------------->
[**** Database ****][**** PHP File ****][**** JS File ****][**** Browser ****]


The documentation is available at

If you want to contribute, fork and clone this repository and make your changes under docs.

We are using vitepress, which comes already with yarn install. To see the docs run yarn docs:dev

Read more about the docs syntax here

MIT License

License can be found here.