Direct Yaw Control allows the integration between MATLAB + Simulink and VI-CRT, generating the co-simulation results and correlating with the vehicle data.
Main code:
- dyc_dvlpmt.mlx
Auxiliary code:
- select_maneuvers_file.m
- import_vehicle_data.m
- vicrtsim_to_data.m
- calculate_correlation_time.m
- esc_actv_time.m
- plot_results.m
Simulink Model:
- vdc_dyc_v3.slx
VI-CRT files:
- 2261_VOLCANO_DYC_fp.xml
- flat_085.rdf
The workflow is explained below step-by-step:
- Load the vehicle model inside CI-CRT
- Load the fingerprint inside VI-CRT* (2261_VOLCANO_DYC_fp.xml)
*Note: make sure the road selected has a friction coefficient equal to 0.85 (flat_085.rdf)
- Run all the events on the fingerprint to generate the send files used as input in the co-simulation
- Run dyc_dvlpmt.mlx*
*Note: Save the results in the desired Path before running again for another maneuver