✔️ Loads and plays major games
✔️ Pulse, Wave, and Noise Voices play in all games
✔️ Graphics pass all tests.
✔️ Dr. Mario
✔️ Tetris
✔️ Zelda
✔️ Ducktales
✔️ Pokemón Red
✔️ Blargg cpu_instrs
🌓 Blargg dmg_sound - some tests
✔️ dmg-acid2 passes
- Install cmake, rgbds, and SDL-dev libraries
- Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev cmake rgbds
- MacOS: brew install sdl cmake rgbds
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] ..
- Build from IDE:
- Open this folder in VSCode
- MacOS: Choose Clang
- Click the run button.