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Prototypes.jl is a placeholder package for some functions that I use in julia frequently.

So far the package provides a four functions

  1. tabulate some data (tabulate)
  2. create category based on quantile (xtile)
  3. winsorize some data (winsorize)
  4. fill unbalanced panel data (panel_fill)
  5. some custom logging function (custom_logger)

Note that as the package grow in different directions, dependencies might become overwhelming. The readme serves as documentation; there might be more examples inside of the test folder.


Prototypes.jl is a not yet a registered package. You can install it from github via

import Pkg


Tabulate data

The tabulate function tries to emulate the tabulate function from stata (see oneway here or twoway here). This relies on the DataFrames.jl package and is useful to get a quick overview of the data.

using DataFrames
using Prototypes
using PalmerPenguins

df = DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load())

tabulate(df, :island)
tabulate(df, [:island, :species])

# If you are looking for groups by type (detect missing e.g.)
df = DataFrame(x = [1, 2, 2, "NA", missing], y = ["c", "c", "b", "z", "d"])
tabulate(df, [:x, :y], group_type = :type) # only types for all group variables
tabulate(df, [:x, :y], group_type = [:value, :type]) # mix value and types

I have not implemented all the features of the stata tabulate function, but I am open to suggestions.


See the test suite for examples.

sales = rand(10_000);
a = xtile(sales, 10);
b = xtile(sales, 10, weights=Weights(repeat([1], length(sales))) );
# works on strings
cities = [randstr() for _ in 10]
xtile(cities, 10)

Winsorize data

This is fairly standard and I offer options to specify probabilities or cutpoints; moreover you can replace the values that are winsorized with a missing, the cutpoints, or some specific values. There is a winsor function in StatsBase.jl but I think it's a little less full-featured.

See the doc for examples

df = DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load())
winsorize(df.flipper_length_mm, probs=(0.05, 0.95)) # skipmissing by default
transform(df, :flipper_length_mm =>
    (x->winsorize(x, probs=(0.05, 0.95), replace_value=missing)), renamecols=false)

Filling an unbalanced panel

Sometimes it is unpractical to work with unbalanced panel data. There are many ways to fill values between dates (what interpolation to use) and I try to implement a few of them. I use the function sparingly, so it has not been tested extensively.

See the following example (or the test suite) for more information.

df_panel = DataFrame(        # missing t=2 for id=1
    id = ["a","a", "b","b", "c","c","c", "d","d","d","d"],
    t  = [Date(1990, 1, 1), Date(1990, 4, 1), Date(1990, 8, 1), Date(1990, 9, 1),
          Date(1990, 1, 1), Date(1990, 2, 1), Date(1990, 4, 1),
          Date(1999, 11, 10), Date(1999, 12, 21), Date(2000, 2, 5), Date(2000, 4, 1)],
    v1 = [1,1, 1,6, 6,0,0, 1,4,11,13],
    v2 = [1,2,3,6,6,4,5, 1,2,3,4],
    v3 = [1,5,4,6,6,15,12.25, 21,22.5,17.2,1])

panel_fill(df_panel, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
    gap=Month(1), method=:backwards, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)
panel_fill(df_panel, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
    gap=Month(1), method=:forwards, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)
panel_fill(df_panel, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
    gap=Month(1), method=:linear, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)

Custom Logging

This one is a little niche. I wanted to have a custom logger that would allow me to filter messages from specific modules and redirect them to different files, which I find useful to monitor long jobs in a format that is easy to read and that I can control. The formatter is hard-coded to what I like but I guess I could change it easily and make it an option.

Here is an example where you can create a custom logger and redirect logging to different files. See the doc for more examples

        "./log/logfile-prefix";                                   # where are the files generated (will generate 4 files for different log levels)

        filtered_modules_all=[:HTTP],                             # filtering messages across all loggers from specific modules
        filtered_modules_specific=[:TranscodingStreams],          # filtering messages for stdout and info from specific modules

        create_log_files=true,                                    # if false all logs are written to a single file
        log_date_format="yyyy-mm-dd", log_time_format="HH:MM:SS", # date and time formatting
        displaysize=(50,100),                                     # how much to show
        overwrite=true                                            # overwrite old logs

# if you have run the previous example
@info tabulate(df, :island, out=:string)
@warn tabulate(df, :island, out=:df)
@debug tabulate(df, :island)

Future work ...

I am writing some documentation that will a little more complete than this readme.

See my other package FinanceRoutines.jl which is more focused and centered on working with financial data.


Useful but (un)finished functions for Julia








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